Submitted by Frank Macey on
Most Apple stores around the world have been closed for two months due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Depending on local health data and government guidance in effect, Apple is selectively opening stores to ensure the safety of its customers and employees. For example, Apple stores have reopened in a few countries such as China, Australia, and Germany.
Apple plans to phase in the reopening of its 271 US locations starting today with its retail store in Boise, Idaho. Later this week, stores in South Carolina and Alabama are slated to open. Hours will be limited, and social distancing precautions will be in effect. Walk-in customers may have wait times longer than normal since fewer people will be permitted in the stores.
Anyone looking to visit a brick-and-mortar Apple store can check to see if their local store is open here. Apple has been emphasizing Genius Bar support at opened locations, and encouraging online shopping.
A new portal helps customers get shopping help, support, and order online all in one place. The portal, titled "Everything you love about our stores is online" offers specialist chats, Genius Bar repairs, and no-contact delivery.

Reopening Apple retail stores across the US will occur over the next few months as conditions permit. Each state will have a different timeline, with precautionary measures required at Apple stores varying in each jurisdiction. Apple has published a FAQ regarding the temporary store closures to help answer outstanding questions.