GoComics Brings Free Comic Strips to the iPhone and iPad
Submitted by Anders Batten on
Universal Uclick's GoComics app brings the Sunday funnies to your iOS, Android or mobile Windows device. The app is updated daily with the world's most popular comic strips, and offers a vast collection of back issues so you'll never be short on reading material. The app also features all the standard social media sharing options, and a comics blog so you can stay updated on the latest news.
![GoComics Free iPhone Apps](/images/archives/popular_comics.png)
The "New Comics" section highlights upcoming cartoonists like Geoff Grogan (Plastic Babyheads from Outer Space), and the "Popular Comics" section features such classics as Calvin and Hobbes and Dilbert. You can even use the calendar option to jump back in time to see how comics like The Boondocks became a cult classic.