iPhone Hacking

iTweakiOS Releases AT&T Carrier Hack for iPhone and iPad

iTweakiOS has launched an AT&T carrier hack, which promises to deliver increased data speeds just like the previously released T-Mobile hack. Joe Brown and Sky Zangas, the developer team behind iTweakiOS, claim the new AT&T hack improves data performance on both LTE and HSPA+.


“Just like with the T-Mobile hack, this hack does the same. Band preferences were set to limit you to a certain band rather than the band giving off the strongest signal, when available, both with LTE and HSPA+.”

“This hack enables Release 9 DC-HSPA+ on the iPhone 5 and iPad 3, 4, and mini as well as enhancing LTE data and signal. Though AT&T is limited to HSPA+ 21, the device itself becomes more open to an increased amount of bandwidth thus allowing for better throughput of data and data connection. This is very convinient [sic] for users in areas that don’t yet have LTE coverage.”

T-Mobile Carrier Hack Brings Faster Data Speeds to iPhone 5

Before it officially rolled out the iPhone, T-Mobile enabled LTE for customers using unlocked iPhones on its network, but according to TmoNews, the update also "negatively affected the signal and speeds achieved on the company’s refarmed PCS 1900MHz" spectrum. Luckily for T-Mobile subscribers, two TmoNews users "hacked" the carrier update to boost the data speeds of the T-Mobile iPhone. The hack does not require a jailbroken device, and it works on both the iPhone 5 and the AT&T/unlocked model. This means most T-Mobile customers will see increased data speeds by following the instructions below.

T-Mobile Hack

As always, make sure you backup your device before doing anything to your phone. You can also get the original carrier update from TmoNews if anything goes wrong. Be sure to thank @joe012594 and @cooldayr2 via Twitter, or ask them any questions if you need help.

How can I access the command line / prompt on my iPhone?

There are several ways to connect to your iPhone filesystem provided the device is already jailbroken. Basically you can access the command line directly on the iPhone or from a computer using a terminal window.

1. First make sure that OpenSSH is installed on your jailbroken iPhone. If you need to, follow this tutorial to install OpenSSH using Cydia. All of the following options require OpenSSH.

How do I transfer files to / from my iPhone with SSH (Mac / Windows instructions)?

You can transfer files between your iPhone and computer using SSH with free software. Assuming your iPhone is already jailbroken and has Cydia installed, follow these instructions to transfer files using SSH.

1. Open Cydia and navigate to Sections -> Networking -> OpenSSH
2. If there's a green check mark next to OpenSSH the package is already installed. If not, then install OpenSSH.
3. Find your iPhone's IP address.

How do I SSH into my iPhone (Mac / Windows instructions)?

When your iPhone is jailbroken many features and functions of the device can be accessed by the command line, and files can be transferred between the iPhone and your computer outside of iTunes. Access to the iPhone is accomplished using the Secure Shell (SSH) network protocol. Assuming your iPhone is already jailbroken and has Cydia installed, follow these instructions to SSH into the device.

1. Open Cydia and navigate to Sections -> Networking -> OpenSSH
2. If there's a green check mark next to OpenSSH the package is already installed. If not, then install OpenSSH.


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