
iPhone 3GS: Keep Your Jailbreak Options Open

iPhone blogger George Hotz has discovered a new layer of security in the recently released iPhone 3GS. If you're waiting on iPhone Dev-Team to release a jailbreaking and/or unlocking solution for your iPhone 3GS, generating a unique certificate for your device could keep your options open.

Apple will likely release iPhone OS 3.0.1 soon, possibly postponing a jailbreak even longer. George Hotz explains the process of generating a certificate below.

iPhone Dev-Team Delays 3GS Jailbreak Release

iPhone 3GS owners who would like to jailbreak and/or unlock their new devices will have to wait a little bit longer. The iPhone Dev-Team has already jailbroken the iPhone 3GS running OS 3.0 but they are postponing the public release.

The cat and mouse game is never simple. Dev-Team is worried that releasing a jailbreak now will give Apple too much information. The iPhone OS 3.0.1 release is surely coming soon, and if Apple corrects the bug Dev-Team is exploiting then future iPhone 3GS users will not be able to hack their phones.

Dev-Team Releases Jailbreak for iPhone OS 3.0

They've done it again. The iPhone Dev-Team has announced a brand new version of PwnageTool for jailbreaking iPhone OS 3.0. The team is hard at work as usual, developing jailbreak and unlock software for all of Apple's latest mobile hardware and software.

pwnage 3.0 mac

The new PwnageTool will not work on the iPhone 3G S (or the new iPod Touch) as of this writing, however more software is on the way. So far, iPhone Dev-Team has only released the Mac OS X version of PwnageTool, although they promise that a Mac OS X and Windows version of QuickPwn is coming soon.

iPhone Jailbreak Broken With iTunes 8.2 Update

The iPhone Dev-Team has confirmed that updating to iTunes 8.2 will make the current versions of QuickPwn and Pwnage Tool inoperable. They are warning users who wish to jailbreak iPhones to wait until the new versions of their tools are available before upgrading iTunes to the new version.

apple itunes 8.2

The Dev-Team plans to release updated jailbreaking software after Apple makes a public release of iPhone OS 3.0. An update to the unlocking software yellowsn0w will also have to wait.

Can I Jailbreak iPhone OS 3.0?

iPhone Dev-Team has reported that Apple's iPhone OS 3.0 beta 5 has been jailbroken. In fact, unless changes to iPhone hardware are made in the next generation device, the Dev-Team reports that the jailbreak will work on all existing iPhones and iPod Touches.

Jailbreak apps such as Cycorder and Qik do not currently work using iPhone OS 3.0, and more beta releases are on the way. As a result, the iPhone Dev-Team plans to wait until a final release from Apple before releasing a new PwnageTool and QuickPwn.


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