
ZiPhone 2.5 Released, Features Full 1.1.4 Jailbreak/Unlock/Activation Support

When 1.1.4 was released, many were surprised to hear the good news that they could still jailbreak their iPhone on 1.1.4 using ZiPhone designed for 1.1.3 and earlier. The bad news was that the activation and unlock capabilities of ZiPhone were not effective on 1.1.4 and even jailbreaking 1.1.4 sometimes was unpredictable. All of these concerns are now a thing of the past, thanks to the release of ZiPhone 2.5.

iNdependence 1.4b5 Released, Offers Full 1.1.4 Jailbreak, Unlock, Activation

A new version of iNdependence, a well-known and easy-to-use GUI iPhone jailbreak/unlock/activation/customization tool for Mac OSX, has been released. This latest version, 1.4 beta 5, offers full support for the new version of iPhone firmware, 1.1.4.


iPhone Firmware 1.1.4 Unlock Now Available

When 1.1.4 was released a few days ago, the good news shortly followed that Zibri's ZiPhone jailbreak, released originally for 1.1.3, also worked on 1.1.4. Usually, when a new version if iPhone firmware is released, early adopters have to wait for a new jailbreak method to be released before being able to enjoy third party applications on their iPhone. This time, such was not the case.

ZiPhone Jailbreak Still Works on iPhone Firmware 1.1.4

Well, even though today hasn't brought the official iPhone SDK, there is still some good news in regards to 1.1.4 and third party software. The good news is, thanks to previously release methods, you can evidently upgrade to 1.1.4 and still enjoy third party software.

Now confirmed by such reliable sources as noted iPhone hacker Nate True, ZiPhone has proven effective on phones updated to the newest version of iPhone firmware.


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