
iPhone Tweak DockWare Updated for iOS 8

DockWare was originally developed for jailbroken devices running iOS 7. The tweak has been updated for iOS 8 compatibility, bringing many new features to the stock iOS 8 dock. Once installed, DockWare 2 can be configured with a long list of options in the Settings. There are three main sections which control home screen behavior, in-app behavior, and the activation method for showing or hiding the dock.

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Folders can be placed in the dock like app icons, and the dock itself can be shown anywhere, including when using an app. Besides an activator gesture to control the dock, the dock can be hidden entirely on the home screen with a toggle. Other options include an auto hide feature with a timer, and eight custom animations for the showing and dismissal of the dock.

How to Save iOS SHSH Blobs with TinyUmbrella

The famous downgrade tool TinyUmbrella was recently updated to a new beta version, despite the fact that downgrading iOS 8.x is not yet possible. Saving firmware SHSH blobs is always a safe bet, as one never knows when they might be needed should a downgrade solution be released.

Tiny Umbrella update

For the time being, jailbreakers are warned to avoid updating iOS. Moving to iOS 8.2 will result in the loss of any installed jailbreak. While TinyUmbrella developer semaphore sees downgrade possibilities on the horizon, at the present time backing up SHSH blobs locally is just insurance. Until a downgrade is released, here are instructions on how to save iOS SHSH blobs with TinyUmbrella:

Downgrade Tool TinyUmbrella Updated for iOS 8

A new beta version of TinyUmbrella has been released, to easily save SHSH blobs for jailbroken iOS 8 devices. The software has a long history in the community, previously used to facilitate downgrading to earlier (jailbreakable) versions of iOS. Apple has prevented this practice with its latest security procedures, including signing firmware. So why save SHSH blobs now?

Tiny Umbrella update

The developer of TinyUmbrella, semaphore sees a future in SHSH blobs and has spent time and energy rewriting the firmware umbrella tool with the expectation that downgrading will once again be possible. Of course, this does not mean jailbroken devices can be upgraded at the moment. Updating iOS will result in a stock device, and the jailbreak will be lost.

LockInfo 8 Supercharges the iPhone Lock Screen

One of the longer running jailbreak tweaks in iPhone history is LockInfo. For several versions of iOS, this tweak has brought an improved level of information and interaction directly to the iPhone lock screen. In fact, LockInfo actually brought Notification Center to iOS 4, before the feature was officially launched with iOS 5 in 2011.

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LockInfo 8 now brings all of this functionality and customization to jailbroken iOS 8 devices. Bringing the Notification Center to the lock screen is the tip of the iceberg. Not only does LockInfo make swiping down to reveal what's going on unnecessary, it provides access to additional information with a swipe or tap. For example, swiping left on the lock screen will reveal the weather forecast, right on the iPhone lock screen.

How to Hide Conversations in the Messages App

Looking to temporarily hide conversation threads in the iOS Messages app? The jailbreak tweak HiddenConvos has you covered. Once installed, HiddenConvos adds new swipe functionality directly to Messages, with no options or settings to configure.

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Simply swipe to the left on a message thread, and a blue Hide button appears right next to the standard Delete option. Tapping Hide will make the conversation thread disappear without deleting the thread entirely. Not only this, but when hidden, the conversation will automatically be put into Do Not Disturb mode. This means incoming alerts will be silenced, hiding all incoming messages.


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