The suprises keep coming on the jailbreak front, with TaiG team launching an untethered iOS 8.1.1 jailbreak on Black Friday. The TaiG jailbreak works with any iPhone, iPad or iPod touch running iOS 8.0-8.1.1. Once the iOS device is prepared for jailbreaking, the process takes place with just one click.
UPDATE: Click here for a tutorial on how to jailbreak iOS 8.1.3-8.x with TaiG version 2.
Mac users, Click here to jailbreak iOS 8.0-8.1.2 with PP Jailbreak for OS X.
The current version of TaiG is a Chinese-language release and supports Windows only. In order to prevent problems, it is recommended to update iOS using the latest version of iTunes on a computer. Those with previously jailbroken iOS 7 devices should backup, then restore to iOS 8.1.1 to get started. Follow these steps to use the TaiG jailbreak tool: