MirrorCase for the iPhone Lets You Take Creepy Pictures Without Anyone Knowing
Submitted by Marshall Walker on
Have you ever wanted to take a picture with your iPhone without someone knowing, but was too afraid to do so? Well now you can, thanks to the MirrorCase for the iPhone 4 and 4S. The case utilizes a mirror so you can shoot images while holding your phone horizontally, making it less obvious that you're invading someone's privacy. The MirrorCase isn't just a stealthy way to snap photos, it also protects your iPhone with its plastic shell and rubber bumpers.

The MirrorCase sounds like a great idea for those rare People of Walmart opportunities, but adding its awkward bulk to your iPhone doesn't seem worth it to me. I guess there could be some practical uses for the MirrorCase, but I'm not sure what. The MirrorCase just sounds like a creep's dream come true, and an easier way for people to snap up skirt pictures.