
Google Launches New, Ultra-Slick iPhone Interface

As if the marriage between the iPhone and Google wasn't solid enough. today Google released new interface made specifically for the Apple iPhone. The new interface puts many of Google's services/applications literally right at your fingertips. Easily accessible through the new interface is Google Search, Gmail, Google Reader, Google Calendar, and more.

new google iphone interface

The new interface (seen in the screenshot above) provides easy access to all of these Google services through a very functional tab-driven interface. Easy switching between types of searches are handily available, as is switching between applications, and the new interface even includes "advanced" features usually

iPhone Tops List of Fastest Growing Google Search Terms

Though it will probably come as no surprise to iPhone owners or those who frequent sites like this, the search term "iphone" has topped off Google's list of fastest growing search terms for 2007. iPhone was joined on the list by other non-surprises such as "heroes", "tmz", and "facebook". Also making the list was something called a "webkinz", which this author is happily stupified by.

the google company logo

Last year's fastest growing Google search term was "bebo".

The Google list was announced by Marissa Mayer, Google's Vice President of Search and User Experience, yesterday morning on the Today Show. Traditionally, Google doesn't release their list until later in December, but this year they more closely followed Yahoo's release of their top 2007 searches (which incidentally was crowned by "Britney Spears").

Here is the full list of Google's fastest growing search terms for 2007:

PC Magazine Names Top 10 iPhone Accessories

In case you were wondering how to round out your holiday shopping with iPhone accessories and add-ons, PC Magazine just released their list of the best complements to the Apple iPhone in their list of the Top 10 iPhone Accessories.

aliph jawbone bluetooth headset

Since there's no clear indication of what the criteria were for making the list, chances are these are just the editor's favorites. Either way, they might give you the inspiration you need to choose the right present or stocking stuffer for the iPhone junkie on your list.

Here is a summary of what made the list from PC Magazine, in no particular order:

UK O2 iPhones Exhbiting Service/Reception Issues

According to a post earlier this morning on Engadget, a number of O2 iPhone owners in the UK are complaining of significant issues with reception. According to the article, users who are having problems are failing to get service/reception in areas where other O2 phones (non-iPhones) are showing strong signal strength.

the iphone on o2


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