Use Custom Gestures to Unlock Your Jailbroken iPhone
Submitted by Marshall Walker on
App Store developer Adam Bell has released a new jailbreak tweak that allows you to customize the way you unlock your iPhone. Stride replaces your password screen with a customizable gesture system allowing you to do away with lengthy passwords. Or it can double as an extra security measure by allowing you to use a gesture and password to access your iPhone.

"Even though Stride is pretty secure on it's own, for best effect you should set a PIN/Passcode to make things extra secure," Bell explained on Cydia. The PIN unlock will appear after you draw your customized gesture, or you can bypass the PIN code in the Stride preference panel. Stride is available in the Big Boss repo for $2.99. It's compatible with the iPhone and iPod touch, but not the iPad. Stride requires iOS 5 or higher and a jailbroken device to work.