
Fix Camera Roll Problems in iPhone OS 3.0

Users are reporting a bug in iPhone firmware 3.0 that prevents photos from appearing on the camera roll. Although image files are present on the device and can be copied with iPhoto, thumbnails are hidden on the camera roll.

The camera roll even counts the correct number of photos as it hides a portion of the files. Users have determined the problem arises when numbers in photo filenames exceed 10,000. For some reason the iPhone OS 3.0 camera roll does not display these files.

iPhone-Specific Features in MobileMe

Now that you have your shiny new iPhone, should you spend another $99/year to subscribe to Apple's MobileMe service? MobileMe has replaced Apple's former .Mac service and now includes many useful features for iPhone users.

apple MobileMe iPhone

Apple is offering a free 60-day trial of the service, which includes 20GB of iDisk storage and 200GB of monthly file transfer bandwith. Here are some iPhone-specific features of MobileMe.

How to Add Phone Number Extensions to Your iPhone Contacts

Sometimes waiting for automated phone menus and dialing extensions can be a real drag. Luckily, the Apple iPhone has an easy way to automatically dial extensions when needed.

All you need is the contact you're trying to reach and the relevant phone number and extension you'd like to add to the contact information.

How To Email Full Resolution Photos From Your iPhone

Did you know that when you email a photo from the camera roll on your iPhone, the resolution of the picture is automatically degraded to 800x600? This makes sense if you don't need to send anything at a higher quality resolution.

apple iphone 3.0 email

But what if you need to send the full resolution photo? The original iPhone and iPhone 3G both take photos at 1600x1200 resolution. The iPhone 3GS with its auto-focus camera takes photos at 2048x1536 resolution.

Tip: Show iPhone Battery Percentage Remaining

The little battery icon in the taskbar at the upper right of the iPhone screen is okay at giving a rough indication of battery life remaining. Unfortunately when it comes to details the icon is not so useful.

Luckily there are ways to display the exact percentage of power remaining on your iPhone battery. There are two different methods you can use to achieve this goal depending on your iPhone hardware.


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