New Chat App Aims to Connect Lonely Applebee's Fans
Submitted by Sammy Snyder on
Applebee’s lovers can now share their love of 2 for $20 meal deals by downloading the free WhatsApplebee's app from the Apple App Store. WhatsApplebee's is an "anonymous real-time chat service" that connects fans of the fast food chain, but only while they are actually inside an Applebee's restaurant. This feature allows users to know they're only being connected to true Applebee's aficionados, and not internet trolls looking to spoil a good time.

The app was created by developer Michael Lazer-Walker, not Applebee's itself. Walker designed the app as a joke telling Engadget, "I've seen so many apps that seem like they're a parody of Silicon Valley culture but are in fact real, actual products. I wanted to create something just on the other side of that line - something that's clearly a terrible idea, but not SO outlandish compared to the current state of things that you might, for a second, believe it's real."