Submitted by Sammy Snyder on
The popular Gameboy Color and Game Boy Advanced emulator for iOS devices won't die! After surviving a DMCA take down by Nintendo, GBA4iOS, was sacked by an iOS 8 patch that killed the workaround which was required to install it on non-jailbroken iOS devices, but now the emulator is back in action! iPhone and iPad users running iOS 7 - 8.1 can download GBA4iOS 2.1 by simply visiting on their mobile browser.

Version 2.1 of the emulator does not require a jailbroken device, date trick and it works with iOS 8.1. You can learn more about the open beta of GBA4iOS 2.1, how to install it and how to add games to the emulator by watching the official video here. Remember, adding games you do not own is considered piracy.
GBA4iOS developer Riley Testut also tweeted that the final version of the emulator will be available on Cydia is a few days
You can download the source code for GBA4iOS 2.1 through BitBucket.
loki replied on Permalink
GBA4iOS 2.1 is the best emulator on ios 8, Here is the simple way to download and install gba4ios 2.1 on ios 8 without jailbreak, install and enjoy games on your ipad...