Submitted by Thomas Estilow on
Finally, the moment has arrived. Apple Push Notification service is live and ready for testing by iPhone software developers for the first time. The service promises to extend the usefulness of a wide variety of AppStore applications by allowing them to receive data even when not running.

This method eliminates the need for apps to run in the background constantly and drain the already taxed iPhone battery. All registered developers can now participate in the testing program and use the service immediately.
Testing of the service was originally scheduled for September 2008, however Apple did not anticipate the overwhelming demand and needed to expand the capabilities of their servers. Push Notification Service should go live to the user community with the release of iPhone OS 3.0 this summer.
Apple's email to developers:
Start testing your applications using the Apple Push Notification service today. Log in to the iPhone Dev Center an review the Apple Push Notification Programming Guide and Getting Started video.Team Agents can log in to the iPhone Developer Program Portal and proceed to the App ID section to create the components necessary to enable and test applications using the Apple Push Notification service.
Newest iPhone FAQs
Make sure to join the Apple Developer Forums to connect with other developers using the Apple Push Notification service and use the Apple Bug Reporter if you discover compatibility or functionality issues while testing with the service.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Bigcurl is building a hosted gateway API for the Apple Push Notification service.
Bigcurl HTTPush is a hosted web service that helps developers for the iPhone and iPod Touch to easily and cost-effectively send vast amounts of push notifications to there customers via a simple to understand API.
Bigcurl HTTPush stores the information to map a user name to a device, collect all notifications and act as a secure gateway to Apples infrastructure. By using standard HTTP and JSON to communicate with the service, you are not tied a particular programming language or environment.
If you are interested sign up at