Submitted by Anders Batten on
Though it would have been better if SpoofApp had been around for April Fools' Day, there's still plenty of uses we can think of to fake (or "spoof") your caller ID. Yes, most of these are for reasons involving practical jokes. Not all, though, there are definitely legitimate uses for spoofing your caller ID -- everything ranging from conducting business from the road to checking in on your kids. So, when one of our readers wrote in about SpoofApp, we thought we'd spread the word.
SpoofApp is a native application for the Apple iPhone that lets callers pretend they are calling from a phone number other than the one they are actually calling from. It's dead simple to use, also. Once you've installed SpoofApp, you simply enter your Spoof Card details, the number you want to call, and the number you want to appear you're calling from -- and hit "Call". The person receiving the call will see the incoming call from whatever number you specified!
Here are a few suggested uses:
1) Think your boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you? Call from the suspected mistress' phone number and see how he answers the phone.2) Want to check in on your kids, but don't want them dodging your calls? Call from a number you know they'll answer.
3) One of your co-workers avoiding your calls? Call from the boss' number.
4) Call a landline from popular known phone numbers and have the receiver see the name displayed with the number.
Your ideas are probably better than mine. But, play nice!
Newest iPhone FAQs
Anyway, to use SpoofApp, you have to do two things: 1) install SpoofApp and 2) get a SpoofCard with minutes (yes, this isn't free, although it is very inexpensive).
Here are some brief instructions on how to install SpoofApp via Installer (from
1) Launch Installer
2) Install Jiggy Runtime from the Development category
3) Install SpoofApp from the Toys category
4) Launch SpoofApp and press the Settings button at the top
5) Enter your Spoof Card details

6) Enter the number you want to call and the ID you want to fake and hit Call

The Spoof Card also lets you change your voice and disguise it as a man, a woman. Have fun, and remember, don't do anything you wouldn't want someone to do to you.
You can buy a Spoof Card and minutes and get your Spoof Card PIN number by clicking here.
Black replied on Permalink
I thought this app was cool until I read iSmashPhone's review...they reviewed Spoof's privacy policy and pointed out that Spoof reserves the right to distribute your information. (like phone number, email, name .... not credit card number)
check out their post yourself
Anders Batten replied on Permalink
I did a bit of checking around when writing this up and found those suggestions to be misleading. I'm no lawyer, so I'm not sure about their privacy policy. However, their website does state:
"SpoofCard is built around the principle that only you can access your data. We undertake never to reveal any data to anyone, unless required to do so by law."
By law seems to mean if you do something illegal, and they get contacted, they aren't going to protect you, as they state:
"Your financial, personal and call records are all confidential and are untraceable. However, if there is illegal activity and we are served with a subpoena, we will cooperate with the court."
In my searching around about SpoofCard and the app, I didn't find anyone complaining about getting spam, either. They'd be shooting themselves in the foot by giving stuff away to spammers, anyway.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I certainly dont appreciated someone doing this and trying to access my address by using pizza hut and saying they have some pizzas to deliver and they are there and need to get whats the address. This sounds like its gonna be a disaster about the time someone shows up at someones house. Pretty illegal if you ask me.
videob0x replied on Permalink
i've been using spoofcards for over 6 months now and haven't had any problems with spam. they're hilarious!!!
marwa replied on Permalink
which the type of iphones it running with, is 3G running with ?? there was a change in voice realy, normal and real ??
boi replied on Permalink
This app is sweet!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
is there a way that this app may work in other countries than U.S.A and canada
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Is there a way to get this app for the iphone 3gs free?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Is there a way to get this app free before I buy it....
Bernadette replied on Permalink
hey is there a similar app that uses this same method but instead of making calls it's used to send text messages using a fake number, or number you want to put??
Anonymous replied on Permalink
whats the name of the app
Pissed off Prankie replied on Permalink
Okay well this spoofcard or whatever it is a bad idea because someone called me from my number and threatened to kill me and two of my friends from person that we don't even know knew are names and addresses, but the weird thing is when he called me out and i backed up to he disappeared.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Well, that's it! We really need to just ban everything. Let's not take any chances!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Well, that's it!
We really need to just ban everything.
Let's not take any chances!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
as cool as this may sound to some of you it is VERY DANGEROUS. There are way too many child predators out there luring children by pretending to be someone else via internet and text messaging. This would be extremely dangerous if it fell into their hands. I personally think that this should be illegal and that this app be stopped for the safety of our own children
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I'm glad someone is smart enought to see how dangerous this is instead of raving about how "cool" it is. I'm from a very small town in Louisiana called Stonewall. Last week in our small and thought to be safe town a 12 year old boy, Justin Bloxom, was murdered by a convicted sex offender. Justin was lured into the culprit's taxi cab because the offender posed as a young girl on a social networking site and eventually Justin and his killer exchanged phone numbers and began texting. This most definitely should be illegal. We have to protect our children!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
That's just plain bs, protecting our children is such a non argument. Properly educate your children and you won't need to protect them.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
What are u a moron? How u gonna educate ur kids when they're being deceived? This thing is still new and noone really knows about this. There are many ppl out there that didn't know about this because most ppl WOULD think this is illegal. Someone using ur number could be callin anybody without ur knowledge and ur gonna tell ur cool with that? Ppl who have these apps MUST be losers to have time to go around and start prankin ppl. However, I can see some of the practical uses for it, but it doesn't outweigh the consequences of what may happen like a pedophile DECEIVING (not educating) little children. Dude u make me sick with that comment. U must be in high school, retard!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Hey jerk, chill out! I'm all for caution and child safety, but the individual is right! Educate your kids & stop being LAZY! I'm sick & tired of all you paranoid alarmists who's only answer is to Ban or Stop something! Never mind all the decent, honest, and responsible people out there. I damn well agree this is dangerous in the wrong hands but so is everything else! Gee?! Let's have Prohibition on everything. And while we're at it, let's make everything in the world made out of Nerf, so our kids can be safe! At times, things do need to be scrutinized & regulated for the safety of children & the public in general. But let's do it on a case by case basis. Common sense will let us know if stronger actions are needed. In the meantime..stop panicking.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Yes...because all the decent, honest and RESPONSIBLE people go around LYING, being IRRESPONSIBLE and DUMB leave "silly prank phone calls"
This was used on me last night and this morning and afternoon and it was NOT funny.
It was a missed call from my fiancé who is very sick and was supposed to sleeping and she was home alone, and it was someone "joking" about how she was kidnapped, it was VERY unfunny.
I am only 20 yrs old but I am not stupid. I agree many things parents are banning are dumb and all that, but this is one thing that shouldn't be legal.
It's highly irritating when you are calling back people who you missed calls from and they didn't call you in the first place.
So in the mean time, stop being an idiot.
Darrell replied on Permalink
We don't want anybody to have to take a background check to buy a gun. But this app is that dangerous we have to ban it. That's a laugh
Anonymous replied on Permalink
What are u a moron? How u gonna educate ur kids when they're being deceived? This thing is still new and noone really knows about this. There are many ppl out there that didn't know about this because most ppl WOULD think this is illegal. Someone using ur number could be callin anybody without ur knowledge and ur gonna tell ur cool with that? Ppl who have these apps MUST be losers to have time to go around and start prankin ppl. However, I can see some of the practical uses for it, but it doesn't outweigh the consequences of what may happen like a pedophile DECEIVING (not educating) little children. Dude u make me sick with that comment. U must be in high school, retard!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
what does this have to do with this specific app? the predator was txting and pretending to be someone else...he didn't make a prank call using this app. chill out
Anonymous replied on Permalink
There is always sharks in the water.. If you spent as much time being a parent as u do bitchin ,maybe u wouldn't have to worry about it.. Owned.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
you are an asshole who probably doesn't have children
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Their are many other ways to change your voice so you cant place the blame on this app. How about being a parent and educating your kids about meeting people on the net and talking to strangers instead of making things illegal and ruining it for everybody else?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
The Catholic church is dangerous to children. Let's ban that. Sugar causes obesity and diabetes, let's ban that. Car accidents kill children, let's ban cars. We could go on and on and on...
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Hey I have an idea... if you are this scared don't buy your child and iphone or any other phone for that matter. Keep them sheltered. problem solved. Let people who like technology go on with the fun. Technology is not going to change its only going to get worse and people are going to come up with even better things. You can't stop it so stop trying.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I have an idea for you. If you think that this app is so safe and is so great, then go ahead and share your phone number on here. Then we'll have some people call you from numbers that you can't verify and pretend that they are a hospital and your parents had an accident. Or we could call you from your local bank branch and ask you to verify some information (the number's legit right?).
I think that information security foundations of confidentiality, integrity, and availability apply to all communications, and if you think differently then you have less than honest motives. Integrity and no-repudiation are key for communications to be trusted.
Anonymous replied on Permalink