What is the best way to clean the iPhone screen?

Your iPhone's screen is the single most important part of your iPhone. Not only is the screen the window you view the iPhone interface through, it is the interface. That being the case, the iPhone screen gets dirty quickly and easily.
To clean your iPhone's screen, never use any type of cleaning solvent such as Windex or other chemical agents.
Use water and a lint free, scratch resistant cloth (microfiber preferred) to clean your iPhone screen by dampening the cloth slightly and clean the screen using soft, even strokes. The 3M Microfiber Cleaning Cloth is highly recommended.Visit How to Disinfect and Clean your phone, and learn how to keep viruses and bacteria off your iPhone.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
check out http://www.lickmyphone.com. Cool little webapp that keeps your screen clean for you!
Stephen replied on Permalink
Well, I know the official line is "use only water" but personally, I use the same cleaner that I use on my class/ceramic stovetop. I think it's called Cerama Bright or something. Anyway, it goes on nice, dries to a haze, and leaves the screen absolutely spotless.
Bonus, it leaves it "polished" so for the next week it really resists fingerprints and smudges.
Danger: don't get the cleaner in the earpiece, you'll never get it cleaned out properly.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Wow I just tried this on my google nexus one and it worked really really well. Thanks!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
You stupid bro. This isn't someones face or a 5000 dollar camera. Water usually does the trick for me.
Vato replied on Permalink
Fuck yo phone
Robert replied on Permalink
I've used stove cleaner for about a year also. It seems to work very well!
It's called "Cerama Bryte"... A lot cheaper and more effective ;)
Robert Sparkle
DWilson replied on Permalink
Water? Never heard anything so ridiculous. You place your face against the screen a lot to make calls (at least I do): do you usually wash your face with water alone?? Of course not, that won't cleanse it much. Grease. Not water soluble. What would you use on your expensive Nikon SLR camera lense? Not Windex of course. A good lens cleaner naturally. So use that on the iPhone screen. If it's good enough for a $ 5,000 Nikon SLR lens, it should be ok on your phone. It works on mine.
That iphone guy... replied on Permalink
Makes sense. I don't put my face on the screen though. According to FCC radiation tests, the iPhone 3GS is radioactive rating of 0.79 watt per kilogram. That's the highest at-ear SAR for voice calls! O_O
The slightly damp microfiber cloth gets the job done though. I just cleaned my iphone screen w/ screen protector and my Otterbox Defender screen protector and it looks good! No noticeable scratches or marks when I look directly at the screen. I have to look at the phone at a really deep angle with glare to notice anything. I guess you can use lens cleaners if you want to be really thorough though.
Don replied on Permalink
if you are going to quote official sites try to be accurate. there is nothing there about radioactive. there is a big difference between radiation and radioactive. even your stovetop or your body has radiation. meaning anything that radiates.
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Anonymous replied on Permalink
Does this include eye-glass lens cleaner?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
ya it does I use my eye-glasses cleaner on mine and get my glasses cloth a little damp with it and just wipe it. It works well and gets the job done, then after that i just use it to clean my glasses. So killing two birds with one stone.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Steve replied on Permalink
i wonder if there is any kind of protection to keep the iphone from getting the screen dirty like invisible plastic?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
A friend of mine has the invisible SHIELD available from www.zagg.com. It seems to work great at protecting the iPhone. Have one on order and am looking forward to the lighter weight than the plastic case I now have.
Ollie replied on Permalink
Invisible Shield Info
If you want an invisible shield for the iPhone 4 simply go to any Carphone Warehouse and they sell the full body for £14.99 against the $24.99 online. These two prices work out with current conversion rates about the same, the one sold at carphone warehouse is about £1.64 cheaper (these are both exactly the same product made by the same people: ZAGG invisible SHIELD for APPLE iPhone 4, Full body maximum coverage), however if you buy from Carphone Warehouse then you don't have to wait for it to be shipped form the U.S..
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I have a griffin case, it's like a black leather hard case and it come with a piece of plastic that slides in the case, works much better than the sticky pieces of protector that have air bubbles, this is smooth and clear
Anonymous replied on Permalink
There is... though I'm not sure where to buy it! Try the source or future shop... maybe best buy? Hope I helped :s
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Saran wrap it! it works like a charm. you just need to change the wrap periodically! lol
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I use a slightly damp (Bounty) paper towel to clean the screen - works perfect. Easily removes marks the cleaning clothes don't wipe away.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
You place your face against the screen a lot to make calls (at least I do): do you usually wash your face with water alone?? Of course not, that won't cleanse it much. Grease. Not water soluble. What would you use on your expensive Nikon SLR camera lense? Not Windex of course. A good lens cleaner naturally. So use that on the iPhone screen. If it's good enough for a $ 5,000 Nikon SLR lens, it should be ok on your phone.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I've just used a simple glasses cleaner, without water and it's worked a treat
Anonymous replied on Permalink
While it may look like it works you're wearing off the oleo-phobic citing using that stuff eventually you will notice the difference.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
You can't use glass cleaner to clean glass? Wonder what glass cleaner is for then....
Anonymous replied on Permalink
You guys are clueless. The iPhone 'glass' is not the type of glass used to make the windows in your house. it is a special kind of glass. It's optimum quality glass.
Stuff like windex it probably too abrasive for the iPhone glass. Do some research on Apple products before you GUESS how to clean your apple products.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I suggest iklear.. It works the best on all my matchbooks, MacBook pros, cinema displays iPhone and just used it today on my new iPad .. CHeck out their website ..iklear.com. Perfect,
Anonymous replied on Permalink
stop adding on the website. you are clearly affiliated with iklear.com. just give useful advice man.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
stop adding on the website. you are clearly affiliated with iklear.com. just give useful advice man.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
The iPhone 3G S has a different type of screen than previous models. It uses an “oleophobic coating” on the screen—that’s defined as having or relating to a lack of strong affinity for oils—and is actually easier to clean than previous models.
Here is Apple’s recommendation for cleaning iPhone screens, including the new phone 3G S.
“To clean iPhone, unplug all cables and turn off iPhone (press and hold the Sleep/Wake button, then slide the onscreen slider). Then use a soft, slightly damp, lint-free cloth. Avoid getting moisture in openings. Don’t use window cleaners, household cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, alcohol, ammonia, or abrasives to clean iPhone. If your iPhone has an oleophobic coating on the screen (iPhone 3G S only), simply wipe your iPhone’s screen with a soft, lint-free cloth to remove oil left by your hands and face.”
That's it. Otherwise you can deteriorate the screen's capabilities.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Washing machine!