Submitted by Bob Bhatnagar on
We know that MuscleNerd was showing off his brand new jailbroken iPod touch 4G the other day. Looks like the same iOS vulnerability has just been used to jailbreak a second-generation Apple TV. After successfully using the SHAtter exploit MuscleNerd posted video of the Apple TV being accessed with ssh.

SHAtter tricks the Apple TV into restoring with a pre-jailbroken IPSW from PwnageTool. The same exploit should work across all iOS devices including the iPhone 4. Chronic Dev Team members are developing jailbreak tools for public release based on the SHAtter bootrom vulnerability. This method will be much more difficult for Apple to contend with, as a firmware update can't prevent the issue.
Right now the Apple TV has no apps except the user interface known as FrontRow. This application (otherwise known as has been hacked by developer Dustin Howett to run on an iPod touch 4G. Although this may be interesting, the real focus will be on running iOS apps on the Apple TV. Apple has not announced apps for the device, however jailbreakers everywhere could look to run App Store and Cydia apps on their Apple TV units right away.
The new version of Apple TV features movie and television show rentals, Netflix access, and Apple's media sharing technology AirPlay. The device is HDMI ready and retails for $99.
Dev-Team has not announced a release date for the iOS 4.1 jailbreak. Now that the iPod touch 4G and Apple TV 2G have both been pwned, we can expect to see a jailbroken iPhone 4 any minute.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
My iPhone 4 is on 4.0.2 with baseband 1.59.00
one of my friends use PwnageTool 4.0 to jialbreak her iphone 3gs according to ifunia's tutorial, he restarted but cydia didn't show up.