Submitted by Colin Breck on
The iPhone news mill was awash Friday with word of a leaked Skype help document that indicated that Skype would soon be bringing video chat capabilities to their iPhone and still-in-development iPad apps. Shortly after word of the document began to spread, Skype kind-of-sort-of pulled the document from their web site.

UPDATE: For answers to Verizon iPhone launch questions, read our feature: Verizon iPhone Launch: Stuff You Need to Know
Christmas Day, surprisingly enough, brings further proof of the coming video chat capabilities for Skype on the iPhone through the surfacing of a new Skype help document (seen above). However, perhaps more importantly, this new document (seen above) adds more fuel to rumors of a Verizon iPhone coming in early 2011. Though the placement of side-by-side Verizon and Skype logos adorning a help document regarding video chat with the Skype iPhone app doesn't necessarily prove anything, it is at the very least quite a bit of food for thought.
Video chat on iOS devices via Skype could translate into hefty competition for Apple's FaceTime, given the fact that Skype's video chat would span multiple operating environments, while FaceTime is limited to Apple's iOS devices. According to the aforementioned Skype help document, iPhone users would be able to video chat with Windows, Mac OS X and other iOS device users.
Is Skype in-the-know about the widely rumored Verizon iPhone launch come January 2011, or is this a meaningless misplacement of a logo on a help document? Only time will tell. As long as it stays up, you may or may-not be able to access the leaked document here on Skype's web site.
Edan Aharony replied on Permalink
I can't wait for the i phone to come to verizon. Edan Aharony
Anonymous replied on Permalink
dream on
anti dream on replied on Permalink
apparently you cannot read, miss dream on.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I own every Apple product and Apple stock but I won't buy the IPhone until and unless Verizon takes
over from AT&T.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Will the Verizon iPhone be both CDMA/GSM compatible?
owen replied on Permalink
I don't like it, there is only marketing about it. Owen @
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I agree, can't wait. I have an iPhone and ATT & the service is awful. 3 droped calls from my house today. Is there a downside to getting Verizon and an unlocked iphone? Don't know how much longer I can stand it!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Yes, the downside is that the current iPhone, in any form cannot work on Verizon's network. It was designed to work on a GSM network. Verizon is CDMA. They use different frequencies.
For anyone to use the iPhone on Verizon's network, it will have to be a completely new phone with different antennas and no SIM card. So you'll have to wait for them to release it, if they ever do.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
how stupid are you? you obviously have not been following what has been happening with apple since July. they already made the CDMA variant of the iPhone 4 stupid. we are all just looking forward to tuesday's announcement and the release.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
wow who shoved the stick up your a$$ - why are you so rude? (oh I guess you are stupid)
at&t sucks replied on Permalink
totally! i have at&t and can only use my phone in one corner of my house, and even there it's not 100% reliable! i switched from verizon to at&t to get the iphone and I miss the service.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
VOTE.. Verizon iphone?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Vote will it come?
Marissa replied on Permalink
I can't wait to have a Verizon iphone 4G 16-32GB
please send me more info. Thank you!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Why would you want a phone that can't talk and surf the web at the same time. Verizon is CDMA it will be a minute before you can do both. The iPhone is build for speed and you will not have that with a Verizon iPhone. But you decide.
Marissa replied on Permalink
4G iphone 16GB
can't wait since I have a Verizon provider; smile.
Shawn Miller replied on Permalink
Anonymous replied on Permalink
just to let ya know verizon SUCKS!!!!!!!!!! ATT ROCKS!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Completely insane everyone.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Really dude!!!!!! Now we all know who just wasted their time Verizon is the best phone service I've ever had and trust me I 've been around the block........It's official, the iphone is most definitely coming to verizon.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I've bn w AT&T since '92 before they were at&t. That's great verizon getting the iPhone. Now you guys will realize that y'all have worst phones ever and now that you actually will have a real phone you will soon see how sorry your network really is and as it has always been AT&T will stand tall and strong
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Good luck trying to "talk and surf" on your iphone with Verizon.
At&t is where it's at for me, I know we are all different.
Oh and I bet they will get rid of unlimited data someday soon after they have the iphone too.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
so your retarded... after hearing all the at&t horror stories your still going to say this?? verizon is the best service provider. theres no doubt about it. you are apparently retarded judging by your statement
Quit Jumping the gun replied on Permalink
Hmmm..... so other people's horror stories are the only basis of a network's capabilities? Ever hear of PERSONAL EXPERIENCES? I've heard ATT horror stories all the time, NONE of which have ever happened to me. I have not had one problem with my phone service since switching to ATT for the iPhone. No dropped calls, no random signal loss, and my bills have been constant. Don't get so angry and defensive before you her WHY someone doesn't think ATT is bad. Just because it's bad for you doesn't mean it's bad for me. Sheesh. Almost as bad as the "Apple fan boy"" persona people give to iPhone users.
Gigi replied on Permalink
Listen I know it's hard to imagine someone getting so angry even when you had good service. But I've had the Iphone under ATT for 9 months at $112 a month and can't make a call from my work place and home where i spend 95% of my time. don't you think it might make a few people not so happy for your success. It's not you. It's the damn service that MOST of us don't even get. That's all. I'm sure no one is taking it out on you. I basically threw away $1000 to not make a phone call at all!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Maybe you shouldn't call people retarded when you misspelled "you're" several times!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Anonymous replied on Permalink
How can anyone actually say AT&T has a superior network? Where AT&T's 3G network is nothing short of PATHETIC, Verizon has outstanding 3G coverage... in fact, the best in the U.S. And 4G coverage? Verizon just launched LTE... the fastest, largest, and most advanced 4G network in the country which will be the global standard. What 4G coverage does AT&T have? Oh, that's right... THEY DON'T! the CEO of AT&T has to be sitting in the corner of his office in the fetal position sucking his thumb right now. Even Sprint and T-mobile are proving to be more on the cutting edge than AT&T. They are being left far, far behind. But if you must remain a AT&T loyalist, that's fine... but cutting down the competition with outright lies and speculation leaves yourself open to the ridicule you are receiving. The truth is, AT&T better figure out something quick if they are to remain relevant in the new age of smartphones. They were a one trick pony with the iPhone... and it appears that as of tomorrow, they won't have that anymore.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
It's officially here now.......dream on now.....I'm very concerned about the strain on Verizons network though....but sign me up for the iphone
Eduardo replied on Permalink
That sound you hear is all of us New Yorkers throwing away our Androids or AT&T service contracts and running to get the iPhone on Verizon. Hallelujah. Let the recession end and communication begin!