Submitted by Chad Shmukler on
Though it came as a surprise to absolutely no one, along with the Apple iPhone has come an absolute barrage of accessories and other products to pair with your iPhone, leaving all of us with a sea of merchandise to sort through and evaluate. Slowly but surely, feedback will be available on all of these products. Some things, however, are important to be informed about right from the get-go. Depending on the person you're asking, virtually any mobile phone accessory can be considered essential. One that should be, without argument, considered essential for all PDAs is a screen protector. When considering that typical PDAs are commonly more expensive than less featured mobile devices and the usage more intense, protecting one's investment should be considered a must. Thus, the first accessory each one of you should buy for your iPhone (yes, before the fancy Bluetooth headset), is a screen protector.
Update: The invisibleSHIELD for the Apple iPad is now available (04/03/09)
Update: The invisibleSHIELD for the iPhone 3G S is now available (06/10/09)
The problem is, you've got dozens to choose from, most of which aren't worth your money or effort to apply. I've had experience with numerous different brands, all of which came at a relatively high cost (usually around $20 a pack) and offered extremely disappointing results. One other thing that each of these brands had it common was that each required, through various suggested methods, that they be cut to fit your device once arriving home. Consistently, each offered bubbly application results, poor clarity, and a short life span due to the fact that the protectors themselves were easily marred and scratched.
A few weeks before the iPhone was released, I decided to try moving up in the world of screen protectors. After talking to a few trusted colleagues, I decided to make my first foray into the screen protector upper crust with ZAGG's line of screen protectors, the invisibleSHIELD. Suffice it to say, I was skeptical. The invisibleSHIELD typically costs between $15-$25 for one protector, a price for which I was used to getting a pack of 8-12 protectors.
ZAGG makes an extremely boastful array of claims for it's flagship product line, the invisibleSHIELD. Specifically, ZAGG states, "invisibleSHIELD is the toughest, most durable gadget scratch protection film available on planet Earth" ... and they're just getting started. They describe the protectors as "invisible", "invincible", strong enough to protect helicopter blades traveling hundreds of miles per hour, and even go so far as to impart "self healing" properties to the urethane plastic which the invisibleSHIELD is made of. The website features pictures of someone attempting to tear the protector apart and even puncture the shield with a pencil, failing on both accounts. Finally, according to ZAGG, each protector comes pre-cut to custom fit your device perfectly.Okay, enough, I'm sold. Let's check these out.
The Package
Newest iPhone FAQs
The invisibleSHIELD comes with the shield components, a tapered black plastic squeegee, and a small, misting bottle of spray solution which is intended to aid in the application of the protector to your device. The iPhone full body protector, unlike the other full body protector we received, comes with two bottles of the solution.

Considering ZAGG's momentous claims about the durability of the invisibleSHIELD, I decided to test that first. As mentioned above, ZAGG shows images depicting plenty of different stress tests on their protectors. So, I figured I'd try a couple of my own. Instead of their pen test, I figured I'd try to bust through the shield with a fork. Using some test material sent along by the company with the actual protectors I ordered, I placed the material over a four pronged fork and pulled. Much to my delight, the material performed as promised. Until I could no longer keep a grip on the plastic, the urethane stretched and stretched, ever more conforming to the fork, but not puncturing.

My scratch test yielded similar results. Using first my trusty fork and subsequently a pair of scissors (opened to expose the sharp blade), I scraped away at another sheet of the invisibleSHIELD scrap material. Again, as promised, the shield performed as touted. None of the fork or scissor strokes left any observable scratches on the material. Later, once I had applied my invisibleSHIELD to my iPhone, I worked up the courage to try a few fork strokes along the screen of the protected iPhone. Much to my delight, the iPhone and the invisibleSHIELD emerged unscathed.

The installation instructions that come with the invisibleSHIELD urge both care and patience. Due to my lack of the latter, I tend to abandon the former. So, what follows is a description of a hasty application of the invisibleSHIELD. Luckily, I had my Samsung Blackjack handy to try first, hoping to get better results out of the iPhone as a second victim.
Both applications turned out to be far easier than expected. Using the provided spray and squeegee, it was surprisingly simple to correctly position each piece of the protector. More importantly, smoothing air bubbles out from under the plastic was a breeze. Though other protectors may ship with a similar accompaniment, the invisibleSHIELD application spray is presumably the lifesaver here. Having only performed dry applications before, and achieving less than desirable results, the liquid made the application smooth and effortless. The included squeegee, in my opinion, is heads and tails above using more credit card like tools to smooth out wrinkles and bubbles.
One common sense tip - start with the back first. That way you can get your feet wet on an area of the device where you won't offend yourself by not doing the job perfectly.
The invisibleSHIELD for the iPhone fits perfectly. It's almost shocking how well it handles the fluid shape of the device. The protector I tried on my Blackjack faired almost as well, but there were a few pieces that I couldn't figure out where to put.
So, is the invisibleSHIELD truly invisible? Of course not. Will you, at times, almost forget it's there? Probably.
Once you've completed a modestly capable application (I got good results on my first try), you'll be surprised how clear and unnoticeable the invisibleSHIELD is, even on the non-screen areas of the device where illumination from the LCD doesn't help hide the protector's presence. You'll mostly notice the protector by it's feel, rather than by sight.The screen protector will begin to become more apparent as it dirties, and the invisibleSHIELD is quite good at picking up fingerprints, dust, and smudges. This, however, is likely no different than the surface of the device your protecting had you not applied an invisibleSHIELD to it.
Though this probably isn't a topic of interest in most screen protector reviews, for the iPhone it is. As the iPhone is operated almost exclusively via it's touch screen - it's important to know what a prospective protection material feels like. Something incredibly sticky could potentially inhibit use as might a material that roughs up easily or becomes scuffed.If there's one area where the invisibleSHIELD is less than ideal, and there almost isn't, it's here. After application, once any residual application spray dries off, the screen protector becomes a bit tacky. Though light, graceful strokes of a finger won't bother it at all, heavily pressured strokes can drag or "stutter" across the tacky surface. Women (or men, I suppose) with long fingernails might also find invisibleSHIELD catchy. It's worth noting that in the 10 or so days between applying the invisibleSHIELD and writing this review, that the tackiness seems to have reduced significantly. The slight tackiness actually pays off big time on the back of the device (for the full body invisibleSHIELD) by greatly reducing the inherent slipperiness of the iPhone.
Put simply, I've been introduced to a whole new world in screen protection. After a couple of years of dealing with what are apparently bargain basement screen protection products from companies like 3M and Fellowes, ZAGG's products have significantly upped the bar.
The invisibleSHIELD delivered handily on all of it's promises (though I can't speak much to the "self-healing aspect" since there's been nothing to heal as of yet). It's also more than worth mentioning that all of ZAGG's products ship completely free and are all covered by a free lifetime replacement guarantee. Even if you need to send your phone in for repair, and have to remove the screen protector first, ZAGG will send you a brand new one.
The Apple iPhone invisibleSHIELD is also available in a front only model for $14.95. The full body model costs $24.95.Update: This review also applies to the invisibleSHIELD iPod Touch Screen protector.
Products reviewed: invisibleSHIELD Apple iPhone Screen Protector, invisibleSHIELD Samsung Blackjack Screen Protector
The invisibleSHIELD screen protector for the iPhone is available directly through and includes free shipping.
Here you can find more info, including ordering options, about the invisibleSHIELD for the Apple iPad.
dilin replied on Permalink
It really is easy to apply, most often the nay sayers are those who dont have an ounce of patience. I speak with confidence because im one of those.
I applied my review piece on a nokia n900 =D
FRED replied on Permalink
Had it on my iphone first week of july 2011. After just 2 weeks, it peeled off spontaneously( Didn't bought any casing as recommended that may ruin the shield). Brought it back to the retailer which applied the shield. They said that they only guarantee that it will be free of scratches, I argued that how can it protect my iphone if peels off on it’s own. Want me to shell out extra bucks for re application, was so disappointed. This thing is really a HUGE, MEGA SCAM!!!. It’s so lame, it’s expensive and so USELESS!!. Any one considering this product should think twice or thrice!!.
Matt replied on Permalink
Just adding my 2 cents, I think if you are experienced at installing this sort of thing, installation would be a breeze. Unfortunately I am not and this was very difficult to install. In fact, I ruined mine during installation (my fault, yes, but ZAGG won't provide a replacement for that). If you aren't experienced at installing this type of product I highly recommend you steer clear as it is very touchy and any small mistake will ruin it (mine got a bit of dust under it when I attempted to realign it properly)
Pussim13 replied on Permalink
since the bulk of the radiation comes from the body of the phone and most of that emanates from the back of the phone this product does absolutely nothing to decrease the radiation from the antenna area at the back of the phone. Couple that with the fact that there is still radiation coming out of the earpiece which you deposit into your ear canal and on into the brain when you hold the phone against your head..this is yet another bogus product...
We have been told that when placing a phone in the pocket make sure the screen side is facing your body as that side emits less radiation as I described above...
This is nothing more than a screen protector and a shitty one at that.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Halo screen protectors which was exactly what I was looking for! Fits the phone perfectly screen protector, no finger print no annoying bubbles that let dirt under them like other covers did. Perfect protection for my iphone screen I am so satisfied with the quality of the product that this is the only...
JohnnyAYQ replied on Permalink
Wow… this product is NOT of a good, lasting quality. I purchased it from a authorized Zagg dealer/installer in the Brandon Town Center Mall, in Brandon (Tampa), Florida. I know the product has a 45 money back guarantee, but bought it Oct (mid) and that would end in Jan… yes, there is a lifetime replacement of product, but NOT installation cost (by them)…
PROBLEM: The product, within 3-5 months, has pealed up on ALL sides, will NOT restick/adhere down to glass (speaking of back only, I have Power Supports anti-glare on front and LOVE it) it has stretched, and plain and simply sucks… so WHY would I want another FREE one, that won’t last more than 3-5 months?!? Ripping it off, and replacing with Power Support’s crystal BACK film, they sell on their site (not in Apple)… only 13.00 for TWO.
SAFE YOUR MONEY… don’t buy this product, go right to Power Supports Site, I’ve had ALL of the iPhones (since they came out) and NEVER had any troubles with their product, ever… and now that they make the back, I’m SO getting theirs and can assure you I won’t have to replace it in 3-5 months!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I bought one of these and it worked great but for me when I had it in my pocket without anything in it the screen protector got little dents and eventually the adhesive wore out, but that was just me theses are well worth the price and are great when they work
Best iPhone Scr... replied on Permalink
If you're looking for a good iphone screen protector check out the Shell Shock: G-Class by Cellairis. It's the best iphone screen protector i've ever used. It's shock proof and scratch proof. It's pretty amazing.
I watched a demo video that had them banging the iphone screen with a stapler. Then they wiped off the screen and there wasn't a single scratch. That's what sold me.
Check it out at
Anes replied on Permalink
You know what. I always use IPG guard for all my phones. IPG is not sticky like Zagg. An I used my life time replacement guarantee twice.
Now they come up with IPG Tempered glass series. It is very thin. Excellent respond time. Nice touch.
You should take a look before but any screen protector.
Honestly replied on Permalink
I've tried one of these, and it works great. However, this is WAY over priced, the last summer I went to china on behalf of my company to manufacture a product, and just out of curiosity visited a plant for making touch screen protectors. I asked them if different protectors were really different, and he answered "no, not in any real sense", I then proceeded to ask him how much it cost to make one protector....the answer- about 1 cent in Dollars. Or 0.05 RMB. Save your money and buy cheaper stuff instead, you'll save yourself more than 99% of your money and you'll get the same stuff!
kevin replied on Permalink
I've been using this screen protector for a while and it is great! It fits my phone well because it is 3D full cover. Check out this website with $5 dollar discount coupon code 3DMAXDK5