Submitted by Bob Bhatnagar on
The Absinthe jailbreak tool for Windows is here. Chronic Dev Team released a new version of Absinthe that not only corrects some early bugs in the process, but will bring the full iPhone 4S and iPad 2 jailbreak to Windows users. The solution comes from pod2g and a "dream team" of iOS hackers working around the clock.

Absinthe is fully untethered and can be installed on mobile devices running Apple's latest firmware (iOS 5.0.1). Development efforts continue despite the successful release of Absinthe, with the iPhone Dev-Team working on new tools including an updated redsn0w coming soon.
Dev-Team has also launched an alternative command-line interface (CLI) for advanced users, or those having specific problems that need debuging. The CLI offers 20 options and helps iPhone Dev-Team improve the process for all users. Watch out for updates on all of the new jailbreaking methods.
Before jailbreaking, make sure you backup your iPhone using iTunes to preserve your data in the event of a problem.
Here are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPhone 4S or iPad 2 on a Windows computer:1. Update your iPhone 4S to either iOS 5 or iOS 5.0.1 (the iPad 2 must be updated to iOS 5.0.1). iPhone users waiting for an unlock should stay at iOS 5 for now.
2. Download the Absinthe software from or this mirror (version 0.2).
3. Unzip the Absinthe archive.

Newest iPhone FAQs
4. Right-click the absinthe.exe application and select Run as administrator. If your computer asks whether or not to run Absinthe click Allow to proceed.
5. Connect the iPhone 4S or iPad 2 to the computer via USB cable.

6. Click the Jailbreak button in the lower right of the Absinthe application window.
7. The iPhone screen will display Restore in Progress. Do not touch the iPhone until Absinthe completes the restore process!
8. When Absinthe finishes, unlock the iPhone and find the Absinthe icon on one of your home screens. Tap the Absinthe icon to run the next step of the jailbreak.
9. The greenpois0n site will load briefly in mobile Safari then the iPhone 4S reboots.
10. The Absinthe icon automatically gets replaced by a Cydia icon after reboot. Your device is now jailbroken!
11. When running Cydia (the jailbreak app store) for the first time the program will take a few minutes to initialize. After this completes, navigate to the Changes menu and touch Refresh in the upper left hand corner to update the list of current software.
JayySmokee replied on Permalink
I Love This I Finally Got My IPhone 4S Jailbroken!!!! Gotta Get The Hang Of Cydia Though
iBreakU replied on Permalink
Tried few times but stuck at preparing jailbreak..
the Absinthe.exe stop working and need to closed.
any slution?already run with administrator.
Note : use Win 7(is there any compatability issue?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Had the same issue. My problem was my download only contained the "Absinthe.exe" file without the "Data" folder, as shown in the picture above. I redownloaded from another source which included both files (Absinthe & Data folder) and worked first try. Good luck!
4sBreak replied on Permalink
Worked like a charm...Iphone 4s 5.0.1 - Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit
apple fanatic replied on Permalink
It's Done...
I finally got my iphone4s jailbreak...
Thanks to the Chronic Dev't Team for their for their works...
Good job Guys!!!
Thank you very much to all of the Teams...
iBreakU replied on Permalink
need help...:(
iPad2 still cannot JB..prob as per earlier post..
plz somebody help..huhuk
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Worked like a charm other than about 10 alblums i have purchased from itunes in the last month or so will not play but are still showing. i re synced with itunes and nothings.....trying to debate if i should go back but i am enjoying the JB
Anonymous replied on Permalink
JB process went fine and was able to JB but as soon as you insert a SIM from another carrier it detects and displays message "Activation Required"
Anyone else seen this?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Jailbreaking the phone does not unlock it.
Eddie replied on Permalink
For some reason when I open absinthe on my iPhone it says this"Absinthe is now setting things up, please stand by..."
The real problem is that it stays like that for over 30 minutes!!
On top of that tried turning on VPN Configuration. It says that it cant turn on or something like that
Can some one please help me?
If you have a solution email me at
Also on my laptop it still says "Almost done-just unlock if necessary, then tap the"
iPad 2 Problem :( replied on Permalink
I am stuck in the same problem. When I am opening Absinthe on my iPad 2 it is just stuck on the Absinthe screen and nothing happens... I tried turning ON VPN and it says that it cannot be turned on./.. Please mail me on if you get any solution...
george replied on Permalink
Having the same issues, any solution that you may have found. Please let me know, thanks
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Hey guys/gals. I found this on a different forum, and the solution worked for my iPhone4s, Windows 7.
Back up via iTunes
erase all settings and content via "Settings" in your iOS device
Setup device as new
Run Absinthe as Admin
restore from most recent backup via iTunes.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I have been trying the jailbreak 10 times but whenever i do it neither Absinthe nor Cydia show up on my iphone.
Need Help
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I've been trying to jailbreak my iphone 4s for the past 10 times and still it hasn't worked whenever i finish the jailbreak process the app isn't there for Absinthe or Cydia???
Need Help
RRJ replied on Permalink
I cannot even get the Jailbreak option to light up for me to click it! What can I do?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
i get the same
Anonymous replied on Permalink
me too, did you figure out how to get the jailbreak button to show up yet?
Rodney replied on Permalink
No. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
At last replied on Permalink
Thank you dev team for all the work you put into last my iphone is jailbroken!
Worked smoothly, and SOOO much easier than the previous jailbreaking methods (hold the power button 3 seconds, home button 10 seconds blah blah bha)
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I also had the jailbreak contiuing to fail. I restored my phone and it worked!
jesse disko replied on Permalink
it worked flawlessly! thank you guys so much!! i just bought this 4S and it jailbroke smoothly! thanks!
Jae Jung replied on Permalink
Hey.. So I managed to get up to having Cydia on my iPhone 4S 5.0.1 with windows.
The thing is, when I tap Cydia, it just flashed my screen and doesn't open.
Any ideas?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
it always stuck,... during preparing jailbreak data it will stop working... pls help....
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I'm in the same boat. I gave up and decided to do it the CLI method... and even with that, it's been working for well over 45 minutes now for the final process (It's doing something from looking at the updated entries in the cmd window, but even at that it only updates about once every few minutes, and obviously, SUPER slow). :|
Richard replied on Permalink
Ipad 2 successfully jailbroken. Thanks!!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Is it compulsory to turn on the Wifi when doing the jailbreak?
Caroline replied on Permalink
I've tried to jailbreak my iphone, but in the middle of the process Absinth just shuts down! What should I do? If someone knows, please let me know
Anonymous replied on Permalink
i downloaded this and it keeps saying my iphone is not supported
Anonymous replied on Permalink
when i plug in my iphone 4s it says it not supported