Submitted by Marshall Walker on
No more rumors! Apple has officially announced that iOS 7 will be available for all compatible iOS devices on September 18th. The overhauled OS will support the iPhone 4 or later, iPad 2 or later, iPad mini or fifth-generation iPod touch. Like all previous iOS releases, iOS 7 will be a free download.

Don't forget, there is no going back to iOS 6 once you download iOS 7. The new OS will radically change the look and feel of your iPhone or iPad once it is installed (You can see examples of the redesigned iOS 7 icons here). iOS 7 also brings plenty of new services like iTunes Radio, and retools other popular features such as notifications and Siri.
"Downloading iOS 7 is like getting an all new phone that you already know how to use," explained Craig Federighi at the Apple press event in Cupertino, California.
Tim Cook and team also announced the long awaited iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s during the press event . The iPhone 5c will be available in blue, white, pink, yellow and green, and the iPhone 5s will be available in black, silver and gold. The 16GB iPhone 5c model will cost $99 on contract, and the 32GB model will set you back $199.