iPhone Developers Have All the Exploits They Need to Jailbreak iOS 5.1
Submitted by Marshall Walker on
Things have been pretty quiet on the jailbreak front since the launch of the iPad 3. Today Absinthe and Corona developer pod2g broke the silence on his Twitter feed. Pod2g tweeted that he has acquired all the exploits needed to jailbreak iOS 5.1. While it's good to know that our favorite iPhone hackers are closer to a solution, fellow DevTeam member Chpwn reminded everyone that even though "all the exploits are found, this doesn't mean that a jailbreak exists," and it could be months away from a public release.

In February, iOS hacker i0n1c posted a few pictures of a jailbroken iPad 2 running iOS 5.1. The DevTeam also wrote on their blog that someone "close to the Cydia repo scene" was working on an entirely new jailbreak method.