Submitted by Jon Reed on
In iOS you can share Reminders lists with other iCloud users, which can be a useful tool for collaborative efforts. Say you and a group of friends are getting ready to go on a camping trip and you have a list of items that still need to be gathered. You can share this list with the group and everyone can edit it and mark items as completed. Here's how to do it on the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch:
- The first thing you need to do in order to share a reminder list is turn on Reminders in your iCloud settings. Go to Settings -> iCloud and make sure the toggle next to Reminders is on.
- Go to Reminders and create your list. You can set alerts by location or by time. So you could set "Pick up fuel for the stove" to alert whenever someone is is near an REI store, etc.
- Once you've created your list, tap on it and tap edit. You will see a "Sharing" option. Tap on that and tap "Add Person" to share with them. Only your contacts with email addresses will be available to share with.
- After you've added people they will receive emails asking if they want to join the list, so they will be "pending" until they respond. They will have to have iCloud on in order to join.

That's all there is to it. A group text would work for such situations, but this way probably makes it easier to keep track of various to-do items.
John replied on Permalink
Is there any way to share a reminder list, but not get email updates everything items are added or completed? I just want to be able to see the current list when I access it, not get updates when it's altered.