What is the Matter smart home standard?

What does Matter do on smart home devices? How will Matter support make smart home accessories work better?


Hundreds of smart home device manufacturers have agreed on the Matter standard, which promises to make the setup and operation of smart home accessories easier for consumers. Specific apps and hubs for individual products will no longer be needed, with each Matter device being interoperable with any platform.

Setup and security are also improved, with devices communicating locally and setup achieved with a QR-code scan. Matter devices can also work with cloud applications. All platforms (Apple, Amazon, Google, and more) will support any device using the Matter standard. New devices are currently being Matter-certified and prepared for release.

Currently, iOS 16.1 and later supports Matter within the Apple Home ecosystem. This means that Matter devices can be used in the Home app or with any HomeKit-based app, in the Control Center, and with Siri.
