
How to change Safari's default search engine on iPhone

How to change Safari's default search engine to Google, Yahoo, Bing or DuckDuckGo on iPhone and iPad.

Safari by default uses Google as its search engine, which is no surprise since its market share of internet searches is somewhere in the neighborhood of 75%. Even so, Apple realizes people have their own preferences that may not align with the crowd's for any number of reasons, and has accordingly offered several other search engines for use with Safari - Bing, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo.

Top 10 Privacy Settings for the iPhone and iOS 8

Some might say that privacy is nonexistent in the digital age, however Apple may beg to differ. The iPhone and iOS 8 provide many options to limit sharing and ostensibly increase privacy on these mobile devices. Privacy settings are a matter of personal preference, and making sure the Settings are configured to your liking will prevent any surprises.

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Those who are not concerned about location or data sharing will find the default iOS 8 settings work fine. Others will want to look at these must-have privacy settings for iOS 8 to determine what makes them comfortable. Arguably the most often used and most intrusive technology on the iPhone involves location sharing, thanks to built-in GPS. So accordingly the list of top 10 privacy settings for the iPhone and iOS 8 starts here:

DuckDuckGo Added to Safari Search Options in iOS 8 and OS X 10

Apple has added DuckDuckGo as one of its search engines options in iOS 8 and OS X 10 Yosemite. The privacy-focused company said they were "thrilled to be included in Safari" on their official blog announcement posted on Tuesday. DuckDuckGo was designed to be an alternative to other search engines such as Google who are known for tracking its users.


The addition of DuckDuckGo is also another chapter in the long running feud between Apple and Google. Apple has been purging itself of Google products since it ditched its stock YouTube and Google Maps app with the release of iOS 6.

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