
Guide to buying a new iPhone

iPhone buying guide 2015

Making the decision of what phone you want to be stuck with for the next year or two can be daunting. For loyal Apple users, even the task of choosing a new iPhone has become more difficult because of Apple's new trend of offering different models. Currently, Apple offers the most recent iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, the previous year's iPhone 6 and 6 Plus and the iPhone 5s for those who refuse to let go of the smaller form factor.

How to delete Safari history and website data on iPhone

Clear Safari history iOS

Web browsers are always collecting information, and Safari on iOS devices is no different. iPhone owners interested in enhancing privacy can use private browsing when opening a new Safari tab. But what about all of the cookies, browsing history, login data and other files that accumulate during a normal web session? There are two places in iOS where this information stored by Safari can be manually deleted at any time.

How to set a video as your Facebook profile picture on iPhone

How to use a video as your Facebook profile picture using the iOS app.

Facebook has been adding a lot of new features in recent months, including the ability to upload a short video (7 seconds, and it will loop) and set it as your profile picture. While this feature initially launched in early October for users in California and the UK, it is still rolling out and is currently only available on the iOS app. The feature is more widely available now and, thankfully, animated profiles will only show when people look at your profile page, so they won't clutter up News Feeds.

How to enable Wi-Fi calling on iPhone and why you should do it

How to enable Wi-Fi calling on your iPhone.

Wi-Fi calling is a service that allows phone calls and text messages to be routed through Wi-Fi networks instead of cellular networks. Though it made its debut on the iPhone with iOS 8, some carriers have been slower than others in supporting it, and many consumers are only vaguely aware of it, if at all. If you have an iPhone with Wi-Fi calling capability and a carrier that supports it, it would behoove you to turn it on for a number of reasons.

Pocket Mortys Guide: Complete Mortys checklist

Pocket Mortys

Besides defeating the council and recovering your portal gun the main goal of Adult Swim's Pocket Mortys is to collect all 82 Mortys. There are two main ways to do this. You can capture Mortys in the wild with a Manipulator Chip after hunting and wearing them down in battle, or you can use coupons to win random Mortys at Blips and Chitz. Coupons are available as IAPs or you can win them throughout the game for defeating other trainers and by completing side quests. You can also combine two of the same Mortys to evolve them into a new Morty. This is a great way to add higher level Mortys to your roster and unlock Mortys that are not so common in the wild. You can learn more about evolving Mortys by visiting our Combination Guide. Below is a complete checklist of all the available Mortys in the Pocket Mortys universe and tips on how to find and collect all the different types of Mortys.


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