iPhone Jailbreaking

Don't Give up on an iOS 6 Jailbreak Just Yet

Unlike previous iOS releases, iOS 6 has been a tough nut to crack. However, pod2g has taken a break from developing apps to work on a solution with fellow iOS hacker planetbeing. This is great news since pod2g announced in September that he was not working on an iOS 6 jailbreak.

On Friday, planetbeing tweeted that the pair had made more progress:

Pod2g responded by announcing they had discovered two new vulnerabilities, but said they're still far away from a public release:

iPhone Dev-Team has iOS 6.0.2 Untethered Jailbreak

That's right, folks. There's no reason to despair if you're a jailbreak fan and you're currently using an iPhone 5. Prominent iPhone Dev-Team member planetbeing has posted on reddit that not all hope is lost for those looking to jailbreak iOS 6. In fact, he explains his iPhone 5 is currently running an untethered, jailbroken version of iOS 6.0.2.

iOS 6.0.2 untethered jailbreak

Planetbeing states, "I'm not really sure what all the doom and gloom is about. The fact is, I have an untethered iOS 6.0.2 JB running on my iPhone 5 right now." For those waiting to jailbreak their devices, this is welcome news. Of course you may be wondering why the Dev-Team would keep such a revelation under wraps. Why not develop a public release?

iPhone Tweak Accelerates iOS Animations

Is your jailbroken iPhone acting slower than normal lately? Now you can speed up everything in iOS with a simple jailbreak tweak. Accelerate actually doesn't change the speed of your device, but it will make system animations faster. This can at least make it seem like things are running more quickly and streamline your iOS experience.

accelerate tweak iOS

The tweak can be found in Cydia on the BigBoss repo for free. To download the tweak your iPhone must be jailbroken. Navigate to Sections -> Tweaks or use the Search function to find Accelerate. Once installed, the tweak will offer several options.

iPhone Tweak Clears Multitasking Apps With a Swipe

The multitasking app switcher in iOS is great for quickly flipping between running apps. Over time, there are so many icons that pile up in the multitasking bar it can be tedious to manually delete them all. Several solutions exist to streamline and customize the process, including MultiCleaner which we've looked at before.

SwipeAway iOS tweak multitasking

Now thanks to the ModMyi repo on Cydia, jailbreakers have a new option that provides simplicity. SwipeAway provides two settings for a gesture that clears all of the apps in the multitasking bar. The options are Swipe up or Swipe down, that's it. Once installed, you can open the app switcher then swipe in the direction that's picked in the settings to clear all of the apps.

iPhone 5 Jailbreak Progress Reported by Planetbeing

Good news for iPhone 5 owners looking forward to jailbreaking and installing the Cydia app store on their devices. iPhone Dev-Team member planetbeing reports that he has achieved almost a full tethered jailbreak on the iPhone 5. As posted on his Twitter feed, an upgrade to the jailbreak has allowed iOS 6 tweaks to work on Apple's latest phone.

planetbeing Twitter iPhone 5 jailbreak

There is one caveat with the current jailbreak however, which is that an Apple developer account is required for it to work. Some Dev-Team watchers were disappointed when developer Comex explained he has no plans to develop new jailbreak tools in the near future. After completing an internship at Apple, Comex will focus on other work.


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