
Add Volume Level to the iOS Status Bar

Looking for a simple way to see the iOS volume level at all times? VolumeStatus 2 provides this functionality on jailbroken devices running iOS 7. Once installed, an estimate of volume will appear in a status bar icon.

iOS 7 jailbreak volume

No need to tap the volume buttons, or even see the volume heads up display. Toggles under Settings -> VolumeStatus make it possible to hide the HUD completely. This means the status bar becomes the go-to place to see volume level information.

Add Time Limits to iOS with Parental Controls

Parental Controls for iOS delivers a new time management tool to parents with jailbroken devices. With this tweak installed, a time limit can be set to restrict the amount of time a device can be used before it automatically locks.

iOS 7 jailbreak time limit

Once locked, Parental Controls delivers a dialog box with the option to make an Emergency Call or Add One Hour. Of course, adding one hour of time requires entering a passcode. The passcode also protects the tweak's settings.

Prevent Mistakes with iOS Confirmation Dialogs

The jailbreak tweak BeSureBefore has a simple name that explains exactly what it does. Once installed, supported apps can deliver a prompt to confirm various actions, making sure the selection was intended.

iOS 7 jailbreak prompt

BeSureBefore can prevent accidental sending of emails and messages, and can confirm other actions like voice calling and liking photos on Instagram. Settings include the option to enable sound when a dialog box is displayed, or even vibrate when prompted.

Add a Decline Call Button to iOS

Incoming call controls can be modified on jailbroken iOS devices with the tweak Cou. Once installed, Cou changes the steps required to decline an incoming call. Instead of a "slide to answer" slider, the user is presented with two individual buttons, Decline and Accept.

iOS 7 jailbreak Cou

Tapping Decline will have the same effect as pressing the power button twice, which declines the call. This can make it faster and easier to decline a call, however the buttons can also be accidentally pressed more easily. Cou provides a toggle to enable or disable the tweak entirely.

How to Animate iOS Home Screen Icons

iMaker is a customizable jailbreak tweak that will animate app icons directly on the iOS home screen. Animations and special effects can be assigned to bring attention to apps with new notifications, or apps that were recently opened or updated. While iMaker costs $1.99 there is a free version with limited features dubbed iMaker Lite.

iOS 7 jailbreak animate home screen icons

Once installed, iMaker settings include options for 7 different animation styles. Flips, Hand Stand, Large Jitter and Twister are just some of the eye-catching animations available. In fact, when these are running, it's nearly impossible to miss the animated icons.


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