
How to Adjust iPhone Brightness with a Gesture

Several jailbreak tweaks make it easier to adjust display brightness on the fly. For example, BrightPlayer adds a brightness slider directly to the video player controls. Now with Brightness Activator 2, iOS users can fully customize any Activator gesture to increase or decrease the brightness level.

iOS 7 jailbreak Brightness Activator 2

Once installed, activation methods for Brightness Up and Brightness Down can be assigned with Activator. Options include a slider to ajdust the increment, that is the value that the brightness is changed by. A toggle dubbed Force Mode will increase this increment for quicker adjustment.

Colorize iOS in One Step with Chroma

There's no shortage of jailbreak tweaks that revolve around customizing the look and feel of iOS. One of the main changes that can be made for maximum impact is to simply change system colors. Chroma makes re-tinting iOS interface elements a one step process on jailbroken devices.

iOS 7 jailbreak Chroma

Described as a simple and lightweight UI theming solution, Chroma provides a straightforward way to customize system-wide color tint from a single settings panel. Once installed, Chroma provides options to select custom colors for dark system tint and light system tint arenas. In addition to color selection, hue brightness can be adjusted with a slider.

Add Confirmation to iOS Twitter Actions

Frequent users of the iOS Twitter app have probably noticed how easy it is to accidentally perform actions when viewing the timeline feed. Tapping the favorite button or retweeting by mistake can happen inadvertently when scrolling. The jailbreak tweak TwitConfirm seeks to reduce these accidental actions for those with jailbroken devices.

iOS 7 jailbreak TwitConfirm

Once installed, TwitConfirm adds a confirmation screen to the retweet and favorite buttons. Selecting one of these actions will result in a dialog box requiring a Yes or No entry to proceed. Since the action is brought to the user's attention, retweeting or favoriting without even realizing it becomes a thing of the past.

Unlock the iPhone Without Touching Anything

There's an ever-expanding list of ways to customize the iPhone unlock for jailbreakers. Users with iOS devices that are not equipped with Touch ID can find some of these mods incredibly useful. The latest addition to the list is a tweak called BlowToUnlock.

iOS 7 jailbreak BlowToUnlock

This unique method of unlocking the iPhone is similar to Balloonimals but not as fun. Instead of the descriptive term "useful," the word "novelty" is more appropriate for this tweak. The best part about BlowToUnlock is that the developer has released the package free of charge.

Access iOS Apps Faster with QuickFolders

Multiple taps are the norm when opening an iOS folder to find and run specific apps. With QuickFolders, those with jailbroken devices can streamline this process, and add new folder gestures to boot. Once installed, QuickFolders provides one touch access to folders and their contents.

iOS 7 jailbreak QuickFolders

Tapping once and holding will open a folder, and releasing over the desired app icon will open the app. All in one, smooth gesture without lifting a finger for multiple taps. Not only this, but for jailbreakers using nested iOS folders, multiple levels can be accessed with the same motion, never lifting your fingertip off the display.


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