
Resize iOS App Icons with Icon Resizer

Those with jailbroken iPhones have plenty of options when it comes to customizing the apperance of the home screen. Now there's a simple way to resize icons with the appropriately named tweak Icon Resizer. Any app icon can be adjusted to increase or decrease its size.

iOS 7 jailbreak Icon Resizer

Icon Resizer works by providing a default icon size, as well as individual app size options. Changing the default size, which is normally 62, will modify all icons on the home screen. Users can pick a size from 20 to 70 and change all icons sizes in one swoop.

Use a Gesture to Like Pandora, Spotify or iTunes Radio Tracks

Improving radio stations in popular streaming music apps means weighing in on a track by tapping the thumbs up or thumbs down button. The process can be cumbersome if the iOS device is locked or the display is asleep, and each app has its own layout to fumble with. OneThumb seeks to change all this for jailbroken music fans.

iOS 7 jailbreak OneThumb

With support for three different apps, OneThumb makes it possible to assign Activator gestures to the thumbs up and thumbs down inputs. Pandora, Spotify and iTunes Radio users can join in the fun, once the tweak is installed and configured.

Get Current Weather in the iOS Status Bar

Keeping up to date with the weather has never been easier thanks to the iPhone. That is unless you count looking out the window or walking outside. Jailbreakers can now enjoy constant updates right on the home screen with StatusBarWeather7.

iOS 7 jailbreak StatusBarWeather7

Once installed, this free tweak adds current weather information directly to the iOS status bar. The location is pulled directly from the stock Weather app, making configuration quick and easy. There are some options under Settings -> StatusBarWeather7 for customization.

IntelliScreenX 7 Gets iOS 7.1.x Support

One of the key jailbreak tweaks since iOS 5 has been IntelliScreenX. Calling it a tweak is actually an understatement considering how profoundly it expands the functionality of the lock screen and Notification Center. Developer Intelliborn has released iOS 7.1.x support for those jailbreaking the latest version of iOS with Pangu.

iOS 7 jailbreak IntelliscreenX iOS 7.1.1

This is great news for anyone interested in seeing what Intelliborn calls "The reason to jailbreak iOS 7". A three-day free trial means new users can try it out before they drop any cash on Cydia. Discounts on the $9.99 purchase price are available for users who have previously bought the tweak.

How to Colorize the iOS Volume HUD

There are several jailbreak tweaks that add functions to the stock iOS volume heads up display (HUD). Volume+ and Music HUD come to mind. But what about simply changing the color of this display?

iOS 7 jailbreak ColorfulVolume

ColorfulVolume is one way to get the job done. Once this free jailbreak tweak is installed, a custom color can be selected and applied to the volume HUD. Not only this, but a toggle will enable a random color to be displayed every time the volume is changed.


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