
How to Stop Battery Alerts from Interrupting iOS Apps

Here’s the scenario: it’s a critical moment in the iOS game you’ve been playing for weeks. Just as you approach the end of the final level, the game stops mid-action and a pop-up tells you the battery is at 20 percent. So much for any momentum in the game, at least the iPhone battery status is clear.

iOS tweak power notification

This issue can be avoided with the free tweak PowerBanners on a jailbroken iOS device. PowerBanners is a simple solution to the problem of low power app interruptions. Once installed, low power alerts at 20 and 10 percent battery life will display as a banner notification without stopping the current app.

Launch iPhone Apps Directly from the Lock Screen

App switcher cards are convenient, but what if they could be accessed directly from the iPhone lock screen? RocketLauncher makes this possible on jailbroken devices, adding app previews and icon access to the lock screen in style.

tweak Rocket Launcher iOS

Once installed, RocketLauncher works using tap an hold gesture on the lock screen. This will bring up the app icons and preview cards, which will launch upon selection. Of course, if a passcode is enabled the passcode lock keypad will appear before the app is launched.

Use iOS Spotlight to Search Spotify Tracks

Heavy Spotify users will enjoy a new jailbreak tweak appropriately named SpotiSearch. With this mod installed on the iPhone, looking for Spotify tracks is as simple as entering a search term in the default iOS 7 Spotlight search.

SpotiSearch tweak

A swipe from top to bottom on the home screen reveals the Spotlight search field. Integrating Spotify results is achieved by installing SpotiSearch from Cydia and configuring a few options in the settings.

Navigate Your Texts Quickly with MessageSwiper7 Jailbreak Tweak

If you often have a lot of text message conversations going on simultaneously, you will definitely want to install the MessageSwiper7 tweak from developer MattCMultimedia. There's not much to it, but it will save you time and maybe some aggravation which, after all, is half the reason we tweak our iPhones.

jailbreak tweak MessageSwiper7

MessageSwiper7 lets you swipe from one text or iMessage conversation to another without having to go back to the main window that lists your conversations. That's all there is to it, but it effectively cuts out 50% of the effort - instead of going back


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