
AMC Working on New Walking Dead Game for Mobile Devices

Next Games and AMC today announced that a mobile game based on the hit television show The Walking Dead is in development. Next Games didn't reveal any details about the game itself, but the Finnish company did promise that it will be "unlike anything we've seen from The Walking Dead franchise on home or mobile gaming hardware before.”


“Our take on the undead survival franchise will match the against-all-odds action and moment-to-moment tension of the TV series. We want to find that sweet spot where gameplay and narrative inform and reinforce one another,” said Teemu Huuhtanen, CEO at Next Games.

Cryptocat Finally Lands on the Apple App Store

The encrypted desktop chat app and browser plugin Cryptocat is finally available for iOS devices after initially being rejected by Apple's app review team. The app uses the Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) protocol to allow users the ability to send group messages without the fear of being monitored.


Founder Nadim Kobeiss told The Verge that the chat app was rejected by Apple for "illegitimate" reasons and that the App Store problems had been fixed.

"There was some very important help given by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and we ended up scheduling a conversation with Apple, and after a while Apple was very gracious and understanding," he said. "I couldn't be happier with Apple right now."

Star Horizon Trailer Released, Coming to iOS and Android on March 20th

Tabasco Interactive has released the trailer to their new game Star Horizon. The plot follows a pilot named John and his ship's artificial intelligence, Ellie, who must work together to discover what happened 1,000 years after the war between The Inter Galactic Corporation (aka the Federation) and the Rebels.

Star Horizon is an on-rail shooter where players can choose to fight for either the Federation or the Rebels. Tabasco Interactive promises that the game will include plenty of intense and immersive space battles, lots of dark humor and the ability to "write your own galactic story and master your destiny." Players will also be able to upgrade their ship and weapons, earn achievements, and use swipe controls instead of a virtual joystick.

If You're There, Pick up the Phone!... New Apple Patent May Allow Live Voicemail Screening

Back in the days before caller ID, one of the only ways to screen an incoming call aside from having someone else answer and say you weren't home, was to let the answering machine pick up. Then, based on the urgency and content of the call, you could either pick up or ignore and let the recording finish. With caller ID, you can ignore calls you don't want to take, but you don't know the subject of the call, which can leave you with worries - what if it was an emergency? Of course you could always wait for a voicemail to show up and then decide whether or not to call back, but judging by Apple's new patent, you may soon be able to listen to voicemails on your iPhone as they are being recorded, and answer if you want to.

Apple patent for live voicemail screening

According to Apple Insider, Apple probably acquired the patent through Rockstar consortium's purchase of a collection of some 6,000 Nortel patents (Rockstar is a consortium of tech companies including Apple, Microsoft, Research in Motion,

Auxo 2 in Development, Here's the Preview

The original Auxo is a must-have jailbreak tweak for iOS 6. Besides improving app switcher functionality, Auxo brought a fresh design to the firmware that took advantage of the larger iPhone 5 display. Apple has since integrated similar app cards into iOS 7, showing a thumbnail of each app screen when switching apps.

iOS 7 Auxo 2 preview

Now designer Sentry is working on a sequel for iOS 7 appropriately named Auxo 2. The tweak is currently in development and should be released later this month. When it comes to Auxo 2 functionality, Sentry released screenshots and the Vine videos below to keep jailbreak fans on the edge of their seats.


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