
View and Launch Apps from the Lock Screen With Headphone Launcher

HeadphoneLauncher is a new tweak that allows you to view and launch apps from the Lock Screen. The tweak launches the selected apps every time your headphones are plugged into your iPhone. You can choose and rearrange the order that the apps appear by using the Headphone Launcher panel under Settings.

iPhone Cydia Tweak

HeadphoneLauncher will also display the media controls on your Lock Screen. This is a great tweak for people who like to listen to music while walking. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work with Siri Board which would've been a nice bonus.

Dolphin Browser Adds Siri-Like Voice Control

The popular third-party browser Dolphin has been updated with a new voice-control feature. Dolphin Sonar allows users to search the web and navigate websites by using simple voice commands. Downloading version 4.0 adds a familiar looking microphone icon to the bottom left of the browser. Users can can easily access the Dolphin Sonar by tapping the icon or shaking their iPhone. The new voice control system eliminates the need for typing while searching Google or messing around on Facebook. Just tell Dolphin Sonar where you want it to go and it will lead you there.

Dolphin Browser Version 4.0

The Dolphin Browser also features a magazine reader Webzine, one-click sharing for Twitter and Facebook, and Gesture, which allows you to create a personal symbol to access the websites you like the most. Dolphin Browser is compatible with the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. It requires iOS 4.0 or later.

Apple iPhone to Launch on 5 New Regional Carriers

Five new regional US carriers will join C Spire Wireless on April 20 and begin offering the iPhone to customers. The complete list includes nTelos in Virginia, Appalachian Wireless in Kentucky, Cellcom from Wisconsin, and two Alaskan carriers, GCI and Alaska Communications.

US Regional Carriers get iPhone 4S

GCI is the only carrier with a GSM network, so they will be the only ones launching the iPhone 3GS alongside the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S. iPhone fans looking for options besides wireless giants AT&T, Verizon and Sprint will find pricing will come in below the big players, too.

How to Fix Twitter App Problems on iPhone

Twitter has taken off lately with native iOS integration in Apple's latest firmware. The Twitter app is also available for free on the App Store, providing an easy way to access the service on the go. Lately some users of the app have experienced an issue where the Connect tab does not show @mentions.

Twitter app error iPhone

Mashable explains that the mystery bug is affecting Android users, too. Although Twitter has not released a fix yet, there is a simple workaround that should solve the problem on your iPhone. Reinstalling the app or rebooting your iPhone is not necessary.

iSleepWell Turns Off iPhone Radios Automatically

If you're looking for more quiet in your life, one place to start might be silencing your iPhone. Thanks to a new tweak, this can be accomplished automatically when the device is in a screen-down position. This is perfect for sleeping, as the tweak works by entering Airplane Mode, which also shuts off all radios on the iPhone.

iSleepWell tweak Airplane Mode

Not only will this insure peace and quiet, but it will prevent all of those RF signals from being emitted from your iPhone on the nightstand. iSleepWell notifies you that it's about to enter Airplane Mode after the iPhone is turned face down, then vibrates when the setting has been activated. Pick up the iPhone and your connectivity is restored.


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