
Zeppelin Super Set Gives You Over 230 Carrier Logo Options

Zeppelin is a jailbreak tweak that allows you to change your carrier logo to different icons made by the jailbreaking community. Cydia is full of new logos and more and more are being added everyday. In fact, there are so many Zeppelin updates they're easy to miss. That's why the Zeppelin Super Set is great for Zeppelin junkies. The set offers the biggest collection of Zeppelin logos ever collected. There are over 230 Zeppelin icons to choose from, and hopefully more to come. It's a great alternative to downloading individual logos one at a time.

iPhone Jailbreak Tweaks

You can see from the small sampling above that the Zeppelin Super Set features sports teams, Angry Birds, clothing logos and much more. The set is available in Cydia via the ModMyi repo. It's free to download.

Edit the iPhone Clipboard With This Cydia Addon

As you might imagine from its name, ClipboardEdit for Notification Center makes it possible to edit the contents of your iPhone clipboard. The clipboard will contain the latest text that was cut or copied on your iOS device. ClipboardEdit actually adds a widget to the Notification Center that displays the text (if any) stored in your clipboard.

ClipboardEdit tweak Cydia

From there, you can edit the text in the clipboard or type something new and it will automatically be saved. The next time you use the paste function, your new clipboard text will be pasted. ClipboardEdit requires iOS 5 or later and a jailbroken device.

Clear Annoying iPhone App Badges With BadgeClear

Those red numbered badges on the iPhone home screen can be helpful, indicating new text messages or unread emails. Sometimes they can be irritating, especially when there's no easy way to tell an app to stop nagging you with its badge. One example is the Apple firmware update, which will appear as a badge on Settings until you update iOS.

BadgeClear tweak Cydia

Jailbreakers know that updating iOS to the latest version isn't always a good idea if you're interested in keeping your Cydia apps and tweaks. Thankfully, developer John Heaton has created the BadgeClear tweak so that annoying icon badges can be easily wiped away. No options or settings are added to your iPhone by the tweak, just added functionality on the home screen.

How to Collect $15 for Antennagate

"Antennagate" did more than start the annoying trend where we add "gate" to the end of every Apple bug, it also sparked a class action lawsuit. Even though Apple maintained that the problem only affected a small number of iPhone 4 users who were holding their devices wrong, they eventually agreed to a settlement. On Wednesday, the co-lead counsel of the class action lawsuit announced that iPhone 4 owners could cash in on their claims.


Ira Rothken tweeted: "The iPhone 4 Antenna Class Action Settlement website is up if you want to make a claim or get info please visit"

Apple has agreed to give eligible iPhone 4 users a free bumper case or a $15 cash payout. If you have already received the case you're not eligible for the $15.

Is Apple Working on a New 5-Inch Device?

According to the Japanese website Macotakara, Apple is developing a mysterious 5-inch Retina display device for 2013. There have been many reports about Apple releasing a 7.85-inch iPad mini, or even increasing the screen size of the iPhone this year, but this is the first time we've heard anything about a 5-inch device.

Mysterious Apple 5 Inch Device

The Japanese blog , citing “reliable Chinese sources", said "Apple LCD is developing a 5-inch Retina display with a screen resolution of either 1,600-by-960 pixels or 1,280-by-960 pixels." It's unknown if the device is a tablet, phone, or combination of both like the Samsung Galaxy Note.


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