
How to use Finder to share files between your Mac and iPhone

How to use Finder to share files between your Mac and iPhone or iPad.

With macOS Catalina, iTunes file sharing no longer exists, in fact iTunes is gone altogether. Instead, you can share and synch files with your iOS devices directly through Finder. Of course you can still use iCloud Drive and AirDrop for file sharing, and those options are probably what you will use most of the time since they are quicker and easier, but this option exists nonetheless. Here's how to do it on your Mac running macOS Catalina or later:

How to change the default email address on iPhone

iOS share sheet Mail

Sharing from an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch offers many options. One of the oldest and most useful in many cases is still email. If your iOS device has several accounts configured in Mail, it's possible to send content from Apple and third-party apps using any of these email addresses. When a new message is composed, the iPhone automatically uses one of the accounts.

How to convert Pages files to Word files on iPhone, iPad and Mac

How to convert Pages files to Word, PDF, RTF or EPUB files on iPhone, iPad and Mac.

Apple's productivity suite includes Pages for a word processor/desktop publishing app, along with Numbers (spreadsheet) and Keynote (presentation software). All are perfectly good programs, but the fact remains that Microsoft's productivity tools - Word, Excel and Powerpoint - dwarf them when it comes to market share. That being the case, chances are that you will want to send a Word file to somebody at some point, or edit and return one that is sent to you, so you will want to know how to convert your Pages files. Here's how to change them to Word files on your iPhone, iPad or Mac:

How to quickly put photos into a PDF on iPhone

How to save photos in a PDF on iPhone and iPad.

The PDF, or Portable Document Format, was designed as a reliable way to exchange documents independent of software, hardware or operating system. As such, it is has become a popular method of sharing a variety of documents, including photos. You can put your photos in a PDF and share them from the Photos app on your iPhone or iPad, though the feature is not at all obvious as it is found under "Print" in the sharing options. Here's how to put your photos in a PDF file and share it on iPhone or iPad:


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