
More iPhone Tweaks: CleverPin

Wouldn't it be great if your iPhone was smart enough not to bother you with a passcode when you're home? Well now with a jailbroken iOS device and the CleverPin tweak, you can specify which Wi-Fi networks are safe. When your device is within range of these networks, it turns off the passcode automatically.

iOS tweak CleverPin

This means as soon as you leave one of the safe Wi-Fi networks on the list, your passcode will be re-enabled according to the Settings. For example, if your passcode is set to trigger immediately, then as soon as you're out of range of the safe Wi-Fi network the passcode will be enabled. But you won't have to bother entering the passcode as long as you're connected to one of the networks in the list.

More iPhone Tweaks: AirplaneScheduler

Airplane Mode on the iPhone can be useful for situations besides just flying. Many people use Airplane Mode to shut off the radio signals broadcasting from their iOS devices while sleeping or when they don't want to be disturbed. Not only this, but Airplane Mode improves battery life.

AirplaneScheduler tweak iOS

The best part about Airplane Mode is you can still enable lower-power communication from your device such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, while ensuring that cellular radiation isn't being emitted. So where does the tweak AirplaneScheduler come into play? Quite simply, this tweak makes it possible to schedule the times during which your iPhone enters Airplane Mode automatically.

Give Yourself an App Intervention With AppCap [Jailbreak]

Are you spending too much time on your iPhone? Or are you addicted to a certain app? A new jailbreak tweak can help! Give yourself an app intervention by downloading AppCap. The jailbreak tweak allows you to limit your app usage by time of day, day of the week, or by frequency. Too bad it doesn't have a built-in breathalyzer to keep you from making stupid posts on Facebook and Twitter while drunk. That would probably me more helpful!

Jailbreak Tweaks

The tweak is free to download from the ModMyi repo in Cydia. Once installed, users can navigate to their Settings panel to set restrictions on how many times they can use an app. You can restrict your app usage by numbers of launches (up to 6), or by time of day to keep yourself from playing Angry Birds while at work. You can also avoid costly data overages by setting an app to only work when you're on Wi-Fi connection. There are two options on how to limit yourself; you can set up a pop-up reminder or have AppCap disable the launch altogether. Of course you can cheat by just turning AppCap off, but it might stop you from checking FlipBoard every 20-seconds.

Customize Your iPhone With These Popular Jailbreak Tweaks and Themes

Jailbreaking your iOS device allows you to modify your lock screen, home screen and even the appearance of your apps and how they are arranged. WinterBoard is a popular tool that allows you to alter the look of your device by downloading themes to your iPhone from Cydia. There are themes to change everything, including your lock screen slider, your iPhone keypad and even your Wi-Fi icon. WinterBoard offers so many more possibilities than just downloading drab wallpapers.

Jailbreak Tweaks

CustomSiriBackground lets you spice up Siri's boring look by giving her the background of your choice. There are also several WinterBoard themes which can change Siri's icon into something more fun. My favorite is Siri9000, which transforms Siri into HAL 9000 from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey. You can even change the Siri start up sound into a few Hal quotes with a little advanced jailbreaking know-how.

Must Have iOS 6 Jailbreak Tweaks: SwipeSelection

My personal favorite jailbreak tweak of 2012 was SwipeSelection, and it's compatible with the evasi0n iOS 6 jailbreak. SwipeSelection is one of those tweaks you have to use to truly appreciate. It's a simple tweak that makes texting, taking notes and writing emails on your iPhone or iPad a lot much easier.

Jailbreak Tweaks

SwipeSelection allows users to drag one or two fingers across the keyboard of an iOS device to move the typing cursor. This makes editing text much easier by eliminating the need to tap the display of your device to delete or change letters. You can use one finger for a more precise cursor drag, or two fingers to move faster across the screen. You can also easily delete or copy entire sentences by holding the shift key and dragging your finger over the text you want to highlight. This is all demonstrated in the original concept video from Daniel Hooper posted below.


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