How do I put my iPhone 4 into DFU / recovery mode?
To put your iPhone 4 or 3GS into Device Firmware Update (DFU) mode:
1. Connect your iPhone to the computer and start iTunes.
2. Turn off your iPhone by holding down the Sleep button and slide to power off.
3. Press and hold down the Sleep button and Home button simultaneously.
4. After 10 seconds release the Sleep button but continue to hold the Home button down.
5. iTunes will pop up a window that says it has "detected an iPhone in recovery mode."
Your device is now in DFU mode and can be restored using iTunes. The iPhone screen will remain black until iTunes restores the iPhone.
Michellelouis replied on Permalink
You can follow these steps :
Press and hold the power button that is present on the top edge of the iPhone and along with that press home buttonfor at least 15 seconds
Wait till the iphone device turns off and then release the power and home button. It could take around fifteen seconds to power off.
Turn iPhone On by pressing iphone button. And hwen the iphone reboots, it will not be in recovery mode.
And for More info visit :
Exit DFU Mode replied on Permalink
If you know my method, it's not a problem.
Geeth weerakoon replied on Permalink
Thanks this was helped me to fixed my problem thanks a lot
Donna Fisher replied on Permalink
Try here:
*Hold the power button and home button at the same time for 10 seconds.
*Keep holding for 5 seconds for power button and let it go. Keep holding home button until the recovery mode message appears in iTunes.
*Click Restore iPod...
*Use TinyUmbrella to enter Recovery mode.
*If none of the problems solved, your iPod touch needs to be repair. Schedule your appointment.
shanthi replied on Permalink
my iphone 4s i want to reset it showing that iphone is disable connect to itunes i dont know what to do now pls help me for this even i tried dfu mode
Millicent asante replied on Permalink
I have been trying to put my iPhone 4 into the DFU mode but all it appears is the apple logo and it then turns on again after some seconds .i can't restore and update from my computer too . i first thought it was just for a while until my restoring and update couldn't work .any help please hit me up on my email and I will really appreciate you ( for you that great guy :)