iPhone Users Report 3.1.3 Update Problems

Well it didn't take long to hear from iPhone owners who tried the 3.1.3 firmware update to fix their existing battery problems. Some people are reporting the same problems, if not worse after updating to 3.1.3 from 3.1.2 or earlier iPhone OS versions.

Previously, many users updated to 3.1 software so they could take advantage of MMS functionality on AT&T and found that an unwelcome side effect was shortened battery life on the iPhone 3GS. (Learn how to turn on MMS without updating your 3.0 firmware here. Some have speculated this has something to do with the iPhone losing and acquiring the 3G signal repeatedly which drains the battery.

Others thought it had something to do with the processor running when it shouldn't be, also sucking the last drops of life out of the battery prematurely. Apple even had people run special software on their iPhones to determine what was causing the problem.

3.1.3 was the first update to directly address battery issues, stating that the fix "improves accuracy of reported battery level on iPhone 3GS." Unfortunately, it appears as though many users are still afflicted with the same battery problems, and others have it even worse.

Users on Apple forums are reporting that their battery meter makes wild jumps from 7% to 25% and back again, and that battery life is even shorter, with only 3 or 4 hours of time before needing to charge. iPod Touch users are also reporting in another thread that smart playlist syncing is not working properly with the 3.1.3 update.

Apple has yet to make a public announcement regarding the battery issues. We're sure they are working on a solution. In the meantime, we'll await the next update from Apple and report as soon as more information is available. To maximize your battery life see this list of battery tips.


The recent update (3.1.3) has also appears to have affected the compatibilty of some 3rd party docks. My gear 4 dock now no longer charges my iPhone following the recent update. Apple care have said this is likely to be a compatibilty issue, with the new update not being compatible with the dock. They have suggested a full restore followed by a visit to an Apple store. Is anyone else having this issue?

I updated my iphone to 3.1.3 and it has a significant loss of battery life. The phone use to only need to get charged overnight, now I have to carry a charger around because the battery dies quickly. The increased battery level accuracy is completely wrong. The battery level % jumps around all the time making it difficult to gauge how long your phone will last before needing to be recharged.

Ever since updating to the 3.1.3 my battery life on the 3G is abyssmal. Wish I could reverse the update. Where there wasn't a problem I now have a terribly annoying one. I hope a fix comes soon.

After updating to 3.1.3, my iPhone camera has multiple issues:
1) each time you slide to unlock, there is a 4-5 second pause
2) forget sending a reply by text or email, each touch of the screen again causes a 4-5 second delay, and if you type ahead the pause is cumulative.
3) closing or opening up an application again suffers from a delay
4) using the iPhone camera has stopped working and causes the system to just pause for minutes at a time and just shows the closed shutter screen.
5) Turning the iPhone off has a pause of 4-5 seconds.
All this happened after the last update and that's just what i have noticed so far...good one Apple!.

I have just updated my iPhone 3G to 3.1.3 and now find that my battery runs down really quickly i.e. less than 50% battery in less than 8 hours, when the iPhone is on standby. Also, and more alarmingly, Wi-Fi not longer works (all the settings are grey and cannot be changed).

I am really disappointed, and annoyed, that this update has been so poorly implemented. More worrying still is the fact that Apple have not 'recalled' the update or issued any sort of patch to fix the iPhones which are now effectively broken. Note, my iPhone has performed flawlessly for 18 months - is this a ploy by Apple to get us to upgrade and part with more money?

I can confirm about the playlist problem.

I updated yesterday, my iphone 3g and now cannot open my playlists. Goes directly back to the home screen.

I have also experienced the delays and major delays with the camera operation.

Just updated. My phone is locking up, some programs will not open without the phone "thinking" for over 10 mins at a time. It is also turning itself on and off now its seems every minute. The camera function is freezing causing me to have to power down. Nothing seems to be working right. I can not even just shut it down and leave it in my purse because of the turning off and on and vibrating every second. I am sure more is wrong with it I just do not feel like dumping and re installing it.

Just updated to the new version 3.1.3 and now my iPhone 3G wont connect to my wi-fi.
I have already tried to restore, reset network setting, reset router etc... to fix the problem but still not working...

Anybody else having issues?

I am having exactly the same issue, couldn't connect to my network connection, even after entering the right password. Help pls!

After I updated to 3.1.3 I can no longer access any wifi point. I get the message "Unable to join the network ..........." Dismiss

This is even knowing the key!! Have yet to do a restore, but seems this may cause more problems?!

Since the update of iPhone software 3.1.3 I have been trying to fix my WiFi at home. I found that my WiFi Netcomm router setting SSID Enabled allows iPhone to connect but then my other computer on the WiFi would not connect. So I have a problem. What is SSID Enable does that makes one device happy and the other unhappy?

Can someone help? The router is Netcomm NB1300 Plus4 ADSL Ethernet USB Modem.

Hey there

Got the same problem - for 5 days now. Did you solve it? If yes, how?

Thnx for sharing!

I'm having the same problem. I've tried everything except for restoring my iPod touch. Help with this would be nice.


I, too, not been able to use wifi on my iPhone 3G since 3.1.3. Reset network settings doesn't help, nor "reset all settings" nor does "restore" from within iTunes. I have multiple wifi networks with multiple access point vendors (aruba, linksys, netgear) that I've used on a regular basis and none of them seem to work. Sometimes I can get an IP address from DHCP briefly, but it is lost well inside a minute.

same here buddy

Yep! I have just noticed the same. I can not get the WiFi to find any network, even when within 3 feet of the wireless router.

Has anybody found a fix for this?

I have wiped my iPhone 3G, restored it;
Reset Network
and numerous other attempts....all to no avail


iPhone displayed 100% battery life.
iPhone crashed.
iPhone shows no battery.
iPhone displays battery warning.
iPhone SIM is now locked
iPhone data roaming is turned off.
iPhone won't charge.
PC punt kicks iPhone guy

I have had numerous problems trying to update email, not receiving at all in most cases.

Now my playlists don't work, and when I do get songs to play, the songs are all distorted like they are playing under water, some with no vocals etc...

And my battery life is short.

I lost the original simcard of my iphone but now I cannot update because it keep telling me that simcard not correct. can some one tell me how i can manage to update my iphone,plssssssssssssss

i accidently updated the new version from itunes 3.1.3(7E18) with baseband 05.12.01 on my 3gs iphone and i try to restore it again from itunes because my iphone was lock and i cannot use anymore. but now i have again another problem is that when i turn on my iphone i saw the usb connected with itunes and above the itunes there is a lock sign. i dont know how to fix it please i need your help

The only issues I've noticed so far is my playlist won't always play, and it glitches horribly while trying to text. I don't know if it's because of the new voice thing they have for it or not. I don't have a data plan so I haven't noticed a significant battery life lose issue. The phone still needs to be chagerd about every day and a half.

After update [acouple of days a go (end of march 2010)] my phone stopped synching with out look,

I get the Synch Disable, when I authorize to synch I get teh "unable to load provider date from synch services, blah, blah, blah.

Maybe I should reload my Blackberry Bold.

After adding the software update i've found that I am no longer able to send MMS messages. prior to this, I was sending them and recieving them fine. Now, whenever I wish to send one, it comes up with the red exclamation mark.

I have the same problem. I took it to a computer shop and the guy said with ver 3.1.3, it's not possible to send/receive MMS anymore. So, don't update your firmware to 3.1.3. MMS does not wotk

i came across this page while i googled for the 3.1.3 update because my iPhone 3GS has the update before that one and since getting it my battery has been lasting only one hour after full charge and that's without using the phone. I fully charge it, unplug it & an hour later it's dead, and this is with or without it being in airplane mode, also charging it back up only takes an hour from dead, which i found weird.
sometimes it stops charging at 92%, and starts dying while plugged in.
now i find that all who have updated to the 3.1.3 update are having battery problems similar to mine, i don't know if i even want that update, i was looking for it in hopes it would cure my battery issues, i guess not.
i also was about to send my phone back to apple stating that there's something wrong with the battery.
I don't know what to do cuz this is bullshit, the phone only lasts an hour after full charge, whether i use the phone or not, and whether it's in airplane mode or not.
anybody got any ideas???

You must have applications that are constantly checking email, or in some way, connecting to download data. If the phone is checking email every 5 minutes and you are in a weak cell signal area, your phone can deplete it's battery fast. But, that being said, if your phone is dying while plugged in, you have a faulty cable, or a faulty phone. It has nothing to do with the update.

I just recently updated my iPhone as well. Not only am I experienceing battery problems, but now my phone is constantly dropping calls, I keep getting no internet connection messages, cannot activate cellular network messages, and more times than not I have no signal or no service! Agh!!!

me too it's real bad!

ive been trying to update the new version for the past 3 hours now it has wiped my phone and i am unable to use my phone at all. have lost all numbers texts messages and my phone is now usless

omg I wish I found this before updating... still in sync mode, fingers crossed
