
How to add a vaccine passport to Wallet on iPhone

Apple Wallet

Vaccination cards are just paper and they aren't always the correct size to fit in a wallet. Some have taken photos or scans of their card to store in the iPhone Photos app. This is the simplest way to keep a copy of your vaccination card with you at all times. For more convenience and better verification, there is a way to add proof of vaccination to your Wallet app.

Fight COVID-19 with your iPhone while you sleep

DreamLab iOS COVID-19 research

Looking for a way to help fight the Coronavirus pandemic? iPhone and iPad owners can easily put their devices to work overnight. Most of us plug in the iPhone to charge while we're sleeping, and it sits idle. With DreamLab installed, the processor can be used during this time to help fast track research into ways to defeat COVID-19. DreamLab runs on thousands of mobile devices to perform vital health research every night.

Where can I buy an Apple Mask?


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