Apple Releases iOS 7.0.4: Jailbreak Safe but You Should Probably Avoid it
Submitted by Marshall Walker on
Apple released iOS 7.0.4 to fix a FaceTime bug that caused "calls to fail for some users." Soon after the release, @iH8sn0w tweeted that the update “has no security changes.” iH8sn0w later added that the last few iOS updates "have not been directed as patching anything jb-related," and that Apple is probably waiting for the iOS 7 jailbreak to be released before they patch any exploits.
![PS4 Mobile App iOS 7.0.4](/images/archives/ios_7_0_4.png)
Soon after iH8sn0w's tweet, @MuscleNerd also confirmed that iOS 7.0.4 is jailbreak safe, but advised users to “avoid it" if they plan to jailbreak in the future. Apple's previous OS update, 7.0.3, was also found to be safe for jailbreakers by the evad3rs, who are the team of hackers working on the iOS 7 jailbreak.