
Evasi0n Becomes Most Popular Jailbreak with Nearly 7 Million Downloads in Four Days

Cydia administrator Jay Freeman told Forbes nearly 7 million iOS devices were jailbroken using the evasi0n tool since it was released on Monday morning. That makes evasi0n the most downloaded jailbreak of all time. Freeman said Cydia has received visits from 5.15 million iPhones, 1.35 million iPads, and 400,000 iPod touches running the evasi0n hack.

iOS 6 Jailbreak

Forbes points to the increased number of iPhones on the market as the cause of evasi0n's popularity, but Freeman believes people just want to experience the freedom of jailbreaking.

"Smart phones have become more and more popular, but they've maintained a closed experience that makes it difficult for people to get what they want,” said Freeman. “Therefore people have needed to turn to jailbreaking to fill the gap.”

How to Fix the iOS 6 evasi0n Weather App Bug [Jailbreak]

There is now a simple fix for the Weather app bug being caused by the new jailbreak tool evasi0n. Jailbreakers can grab the official patch under the “Changes” section of Cydia. If you do not see the UIKit Tools package under Changes, just try refreshing the page, and it should appear.

Cydia Tool

While evasi0n was a success with over 100,000 downloads in the first 10 minutes of its release on February 4th, it also crashed Apple’s stock Weather app on the iPhone. Thankfully the evad3rs, who released the jailbreak, quickly identified the problem and fixed it.

Untethered iPhone 5 / iOS 6.x Jailbreak is Finally Here

The official iOS 6 jailbreak entitled "evasi0n" is now available for all iOS devices including the iPhone 5 and iPad mini. The jailbreak works with any Apple device capable of running iOS 6 or iOS 6.1, except the third-gen Apple TV. You can now download the Mac OS X, Linux or Windows versions for free from the official evasi0n website. This new jailbreak comes courtesy of an all-star jailbreaking team known as the evad3rs.

iOS 6 Jailbreak

Here are three simple rules you should follow before jailbreaking your device:

- Backup your iOS device using iTunes or iCloud before using evasi0n. This way you are sure to never lose any data if something wrong happens.

- Please disable the lock passcode of your iOS device before using evasi0n. It can cause issues.

- Be patient while the jailbreaking process is running, don’t start iTunes or Xcode in the meanwhile. The best is to not touch the computer until the end of the jailbreaking process.

Don't Give up on an iOS 6 Jailbreak Just Yet

Unlike previous iOS releases, iOS 6 has been a tough nut to crack. However, pod2g has taken a break from developing apps to work on a solution with fellow iOS hacker planetbeing. This is great news since pod2g announced in September that he was not working on an iOS 6 jailbreak.

On Friday, planetbeing tweeted that the pair had made more progress:

Pod2g responded by announcing they had discovered two new vulnerabilities, but said they're still far away from a public release:

iOS 6 Dream Jailbreak Video Has Been Uploaded to YouTube: Is it a Fake? [Updated]

Update: Dream Jailbreak is a confirmed fake! After two days of hilarity, Dream JB's iOS 6 Jailbreak led to a Rick Roll.

The jailbreak community anticipated the greatest Rick Roll in internet history, but they got a dodgy jailbreak video instead. An unknown hacker calling himself "Dream JB," promised the world he would deliver an untethered iOS 6 jailbreak for all current iOS devices on December 22. The jailbreak community instantly smelled scam since he is not associated with any known dev team, and has chosen to remain anonymous. To prove he's legit, Dream JB promised video proof today that his jailbreak does work. After a long day of hilarious tweets calling him a fake, Dream JB delivered the first of two videos showing off his mysterious Dream Jailbreak.

There are already hundreds of YouTube comments questioning the authenticity of the video, and the well known iOS hacker chpwn already called it a fake on Twitter:

@DreamJailbreak Nice try, but aren’t you supposed to make the fake at least somewhat believable? It’s more fun when it’s not so obvious.

@DreamJailbreak (A tip: iOS boots to the lock screen, not the home screen. You only get that animation by exiting an app made to fake it.)


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