
Google Adds Handwriting Recognition to Mobile Search Engine

Google has been adding some interesting new mobile features today. First there was the Google Earth 3D update, and now 9to5Mac has discovered a new handwriting feature for Google Search. The handwriting recognition option allows you use your finger to write what you're searching for. This eliminates fat finger typos when using the iPhone's smaller screen.


To activate the new feature go to on your iPhone or iPad, and enable the "Handwrite" feature. Then tap the ‘g’ icon while on to start writing. The feature will automatically convert your handwriting into text inside of the search box.


Google Earth Adds 3D Citites

Apple plans to replace Google Maps with its own 3D mapping software when it releases iOS 6 this fall, but Google has beaten them to the punch by adding a new 3D view to its Google Earth app.

iPhone Maps

Verison 7.0 of Google Earth features 3D imagery for 14 regions including: Los Angeles, Boston, San Francisco, Geneva and Rome. Google plans to add additional 3D cities to the iOS and Android platforms in the coming weeks. Version 7.0 also allows you to explore various locations, historic landmarks and natural wonders with its new "Tour Guide" feature. The new 3D view is available for the iPhone 4S, iPad 2 and new iPad. You can download the app for free from the Apple App Store.

SearchEnable: Add Alternative Search Engines to Safari

SearchEnable is a new jailbreak tweak that allows you to add alternative search engines to Safari. The tweak adds Ask, Baidu, blekko, Sogu, Volunia, Yandex, Evi and WolframAplha to the Safari search engine options listed under Settings. SearchEnable basically gives you a few more international choices besides the popular U.S. options (Google, Yahoo and Bing) already included on your phone. Make sure you have the Safari app enabled under SBSettings or the Safari setting panel will not be available.

Jailbreak Tweaks

Track Your App Usage with AppAnalytics

Have you ever wondered how much time you have spent perusing FlipBoard, or maybe you are worried about your Angry Birds addiction? A new jailbreak tweak called AppAnalytics can help you monitor how long you have spent using each app on your iPhone.

Jailbreak Tweaks

AppAnalytics keeps track of how many minutes or hours you have spent using an app, and how many times you have launched an app each month. This can help you see what apps are really useful, and which apps are just taking up space. The tweak works with the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. It requires iOS 4 or later and supports 30 languages.

Apple N Berry Offering Permanent Unlock Solution for AT&T iPhones

Online parts vendor Apple N Berry is offering a permanent unlock solution for AT&T iPhones. According to the product page, the AT&T iPhone IMEI Unlock allows your iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4, and 4S to stay permanently unlocked even after an iOS upgrade or SIM card swap.

iPhone Unlock

Unlike SIM interposers, the AT&T iPhone IMEI Unlock requires no extra software, jailbreak or hardware to unlock your iPhone. All Apple N Berry requires is that it's an AT&T handset for it to work. The AT&T iPhone IMEI Unlock is $150 and requires 1 to 2 business days to be activated. The unlock comes with a money back guarantee, however, there has been no confirmation outside of Apple N Berry that this solution works.


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