
Top 10 Privacy Settings for the iPhone and iOS 8

Some might say that privacy is nonexistent in the digital age, however Apple may beg to differ. The iPhone and iOS 8 provide many options to limit sharing and ostensibly increase privacy on these mobile devices. Privacy settings are a matter of personal preference, and making sure the Settings are configured to your liking will prevent any surprises.

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Those who are not concerned about location or data sharing will find the default iOS 8 settings work fine. Others will want to look at these must-have privacy settings for iOS 8 to determine what makes them comfortable. Arguably the most often used and most intrusive technology on the iPhone involves location sharing, thanks to built-in GPS. So accordingly the list of top 10 privacy settings for the iPhone and iOS 8 starts here:

How to Send and Receive SMS Text Messages on Your Mac

With iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite, Apple sought to connect its devices with features such as Handoff, which lets you start a task on one device and pick it up on another; phone call relaying, personal hotspot, and SMS and MMS relaying. The last feature allows you to forward messages from your iPhone to your iMac, MacBook or iPad, and it's one of those features that, once you use it, you'll marvel at the neolithic world we lived in just a few short months ago. Now you'll no longer have to leave your computer to check on the chimes you heard coming from the other room, and you'll be able to type your messages a whole lot faster.

How to send and receive SMS texts on your Mac

Of course we've had this for iMessages for a while, but now you can send to and receive from non-iPhone people (SMS texts require a cell phone carrier while iMessages are routed through Apple's servers).

Here's how to set up SMS and MMS message relaying between your iPhone and Mac:

How to Make and Take iPhone Calls on Your Mac

Continuity is one of the major features of iOS 8 and Yosemite that was touted so highly during Apple's media events earlier this year. It connects all of your iOS 8 and Yosemite devices and includes features like Handoff, which allows you to transfer tasks from one device to another (like starting an email on your iPhone and then continuing it on your iMac), message and call relaying, and personal hotspot. While Handoff requires Bluetooth 4.0 (find out if your devices have it here), message and call relaying do not.

How to make and receive iPhone calls on your Mac

Making calls and receiving them on your Mac is really a great feature. No more walking across the room or, God forbid, up the stairs to grab your phone while you're trying to get work done on your computer. Once you have this set up, you can simply

How to Jailbreak iOS 8.1.1 with TaiG

The suprises keep coming on the jailbreak front, with TaiG team launching an untethered iOS 8.1.1 jailbreak on Black Friday. The TaiG jailbreak works with any iPhone, iPad or iPod touch running iOS 8.0-8.1.1. Once the iOS device is prepared for jailbreaking, the process takes place with just one click.

UPDATE: Click here for a tutorial on how to jailbreak iOS 8.1.3-8.x with TaiG version 2.

Mac users, Click here to jailbreak iOS 8.0-8.1.2 with PP Jailbreak for OS X.

iOS 8.1.1 jailbreak TaiG

The current version of TaiG is a Chinese-language release and supports Windows only. In order to prevent problems, it is recommended to update iOS using the latest version of iTunes on a computer. Those with previously jailbroken iOS 7 devices should backup, then restore to iOS 8.1.1 to get started. Follow these steps to use the TaiG jailbreak tool:

How to Add Extensions to Safari in iOS 8

With iOS 8, Apple has finally given third party developers access to some iOS features, including Photos, the keyboard and Safari among others. The new feature, called Extensions, allows third party apps to access and share data with iOS apps. For Safari this means that you can add "Action Extensions" for applicable apps and then use their tools without ever leaving Safari. For example, if you have a password manager like LastPass, for instance, you can add that extension and then use LastPass from within Safari. Here's how you set up extensions in Safari:

1. Open Safari and tap the Share button (bottom middle).

How to set up extensions in Safari in iOS 8

2. This brings up a variety of options. Scroll to the right on the bottom level until you see the "More" icon. Tap on it.


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