
How to edit existing app subscriptions on iPhone

Apple App Store

In today's digital age, managing app subscriptions has become a common task for many iPhone users. Whether it's upgrading to a premium service or adjusting to a more budget-friendly plan, Apple makes it simple to modify your existing subscriptions without the hassle of cancelling and resubscribing. This guide provides a straightforward approach to changing your app subscription plans on the iPhone or iPad.

Understanding iCloud and its backup features for iPhone

Understanding iCloud and its backup capabilities is essential for new iPhone users. iCloud, Apple's cloud storage and computing service, is intricately woven into the iOS ecosystem, playing a vital role in storing various data types such as photos, notes, reminders, and more. It ensures that personal information is consistently updated and accessible across all Apple devices.

Apple shuts down My Photo Stream


Apple has announced the upcoming shutdown of its "My Photo Stream" feature, set to take place on July 26, 2023. This free service, which debuted alongside iCloud in 2011, allowed users to sync photos across their Apple devices. However, with the introduction of the more advanced iCloud Photo Library, My Photo Stream is being phased out completely.

How to share iCloud storage plans on iPhone


Thanks to Family Sharing, a single iCloud storage plan can be shared among family members. While each member of the group will have their own account, files and backups are stored to the same iCloud plan. For example, sharing a 200 GB iCloud+ plan between two people means one monthly bill for $2.99. The total storage space used by each person is added together and counts towards the limit of 200 GB.

How to disable Safari Private Relay temporarily

Safari iPhone

Ever since iCloud+ was released by Apple, the Safari browser on iPhone offers increased privacy features. iCloud Private Relay automatically obscures your IP address, browsing activity, and location from the websites you visit. It works by sending web traffic to an Apple server, which removes the IP address and relays the the traffic to a second server for forwarding to its destination.


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